
Wednesday 30 April 2008


It is slightly too warm here in Sydney to grow Clematis well although I have a very healthy native clematis in my back garden which has climbed 20 feet up through a nearby tree. It refuses to flower even one bloom, though, maybe next spring?!
My friend grew this clematis a couple of years ago, it flowered fantastically with huge beautiful azure blue blooms, she was quite depressed a few weeks later when it dropped dead overnight! I am wondering about gocco printing this illustration which I made the other day but first I would have to track down the perfect colour ink.

p.s. Here's a pic I posted on Flickr yesterday of the way I polish the connections of my Gocco bulbs on paper. I find rubbing the ends makes them more reliable, more likely to go off. If you are goccoing and you haven't checked out the Flickr Gocco group discussion it is an invaluable resource and brains trust for everything to do with Gocco and has saved me time and frustration and, more importantly, wasted screens and bulbs!!

1 comment :

  1. I rub my bulbs on paper too and haven't had any problems so far...(knock on wood).


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