
Monday 2 June 2008

microwave paint

Recently I came across this fantastic recipe for microwave paint while looking for craft/art ideas to make with my sons' class. I found this wonderful, simple idea on the One Crafty Mumma blog, which has some fabulous kid's craft ideas and great pictures. The recipe is very simple, take equal parts of self raising/all purpose flour and salt (start with one tablespoon). Add water to form a paste and a few drops of food colouring.
When you paint it needs to be 'blobby', the thicker it is the higher it will rise. Use a thick card too so it doesn't warp when you put the wet dough on it. We used cotton buds to paint with.
When its finished put the picture in the microwave for 30 secs (maybe a bit more if the paint is thick). The painted areas rise up. The whole class loved this activity, especially the excitement of watching their pictures transform. We put their cards together to make a large design - looks great. Next week: pet rocks!

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