
Wednesday 14 May 2008

screenprinting classes

A while ago I mentioned that I'd signed up for a textile printing course at a local Art College. For five Saturdays in May I'm in the studio learning to expose screens and print images on fabric. Yay!
I'm really enjoying it and learning heaps. And I'm looking at textiles and pattern in a new way.
Last Saturday was our second lesson and we got to print our own designs. Here's a sneak peak of my first experiments using my Filigree pattern. Unfortunately we had problems with the emulsion this week, it didn't set properly so no one's screens were perfect but here is a part of the pattern which came out perfectly.
I quite like this colour which I mixed myself. And I love putting images on fabric, the possibilities are endless, if anything I'm having trouble deciding what I'm going to print.
I can see though that this will be a long term love. Now I just need a large studio, a darkroom and a few printing tables!

1 comment :

  1. I couldn't find any screenprinting classes near me. I decide to do some research and teach myself. I'd still like to take a class, but I couldn't wait. It's so much fun. Especially after the first exposure.


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