
Wednesday 27 August 2008

attic before

I mentioned before that we are in the process of putting in an attic ladder and making a tiny space up in our roof, and that it is going to be my storage space and hopefully have room for a worktable. This means I can store all my art materials and Flower Press items safely out of the way. I can also start a project and leave it out and come back to as I want. At the moment if I need a large space for printing or packaging I usually end up on the dining table and half way through something have to clear it all away. Frustrating.
I am always so jealous of some of the wonderful spaces I see online, but I also realise I'm not alone in making do.
So far we have had the roof vacuumed out and insulated. The low point in this was when one of the guys put his foot through my vintage plaster ceiling :-(
Luckily the plasterer was able to order the exact panel and it is now as good as new. Here's what it looked like. And yes, I did nearly cry. This is our bedroom ceiling. Isn't it gorgeous.


  1. I've tagged you, and given you an award! Have a look on my blog for the rules; pass on either or both of the awards, and consider yourself tagged if you want to be.

  2. gorgeous ceiling!
    I hope it fixes up nicely.


  3. Isn't it always the way? Glad that it can be fixed - a beautiful old ceiling. Our friends did an attic conversion earlier this year and it is great - he's a musician so has all his gear up there and the whole thing is sound proofed. It also doubles as a guest bedroom and I love staying there. You'll be chuffed when it's finished!

  4. A love heart shaped hole! It is a beautiful ceiling. I am so glad it has been fixed:)


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