
Monday 18 August 2008

tree of happiness

I was really touched the other day when the delightful Danielle from OfPaperandThread passed on a Tree of Happiness award. Danielle is a wonderful Australian textile and paper artist over in WA (see her blog for the recent Domino mag feature). Danielle helped me out when I was first starting out on Etsy.

The Tree of Happiness asks you to list six things that make you happy, so here they are.
1. My garden, pottering around it, and the increasing numbers of bird and insect visitors.
2. My partner J who gives me so much encouragement and support and makes me laugh.
3. My little business Flower Press which in nine months has given me so many wonderful surprises, new friendships and great bursts of inspiration and creativity.
4. The internet community, buyers, sellers, bloggers, readers. Such nice people! It sounds corny but they make me happy with their generosity and support of my business and art.
5. Books, I love reading and it gives me great happiness.
6. Of course I couldn't leave out my three little people who I just adore and I love that they enjoy making things, just like me :-)

I'm happily passing this on to 5 creative bloggers because... see number 4 above!! (Please don't feel obliged to play!).
artandghosts, carina, shesewslye,
freshly found
, tinyhappy.


  1. i love your answers. and am honoured that you're passing the award onto me as well- thank you! :)

  2. aaw, thankyou, i will be sure to join in!

  3. Oh, thank you so much! ...probably IS some kind of ESP! ;-)


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