
Wednesday 3 September 2008

plant package in the post

Look what arrived on my doorstep this morning! I have been daydreaming over this nursery's mail order site for at least a year and the other day I took the plunge and made a big order, nineteen plants :-)
I love the way they came tucked in straw, which will go straight into the garden as mulch.
As you can I've put them here on a garden bench and watered them with seaweed emulsion to recover from their trip and so I can think about where I'm going to plant them. We made this bench a few years ago from old fence palings, copying a design we'd seen in someone else's garden. I have been meaning to make a matching Adirondack chair sometime to match. On the To Do list.

There are a few things I've been dying for like Sedum Matrona and a Sanguisorba. Now I just have to find (make) some gaps in the garden beds to tuck these new finds into.
There are also a couple of new Penstemons, a Delphinium, some Dicentras... well see the list for yourself :-)


  1. Oooh so exciting! Little more satisfying than planting out new friends...


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