
Tuesday 6 January 2009


Yesterday at home on the farm we looked up and noticed this visitor, a tawny frogmouth owl trying to blend in with the pictures on the wall (isn't she beautiful), a few miles away my brother and his wife sat next to Paris Hilton at the beach, complete with bodyguards, Paris, not the tawny!


  1. This is so weird! My mum had a visit from two Tawny's just before Christmas and did you hear on the news that Our Kevin (PM) also found one and looked after it over night before taking it to WIRES? It's so odd to hear of three incidences in the space of a few you think they are trying to tell us something important?! S/he is beautiful

  2. two contrasting experiences awesome! Must have been a bit of a thrill for your brother (I mean with all the bodyguards and paparazzi and hype!).

  3. Me and Kevin and Paris :-)
    Oh, and my sister in law was in heaven!

  4. Oh my! You were the lucky one for sure.


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