
Wednesday 29 April 2009

fabric junkie

Including independent designers - second from top block printed fabric from Jezze (yes Jesse I haven't used it yet!) and second from bottom Saffron Craig.

The other day my daughter and I slipped away together to go bead and fabric shopping (here and here). I had to laugh because on the way to the car she said 'its hard to use the really nice beads because I want to keep them'. Cue recent and not so recent fabric buys, newly washed (but not ironed, sorry) and ready to cut into. I keep buying more thinking it will help me to use the fabric I have. Not so much LOL.
But as I said to her, its nice to have them to look at anyway, that's pretty good too. And she agreed.
Here's a photo Miss A. took of some of the new beads. Don't you like the way she's styled the shot :-)

I was interested to notice when I folded all these off the line that they fell into a couple of quite obvious colour combinations. Very revealing! I think my new favourite colour is turquoise, or aqua, or whatever you like to call it. And chartreuse, mustard and limey greens are close seconds.

Vintage buys from Ebay


  1. ooo they are lovely!! I have some of the green fabric Saffron printed to and I LOVE the second one (off to explore that now). Great vintage finds on eBay too!

  2. Nice to see my fabric there! And I'm flattered that it's 'too nice to use' - I have fabric that I bought more than 2 years ago that I haven't used yet...

    I love the photo styling too!

  3. I once stood in line at a fabric store. The woman in front of me had a lot of fabric. When the salesperson replied what she was going to make with it all, she replied, "a pile." I so understood. What a beautiful selection you have there.

  4. I can't bare cutting into my fabric stash so I dont....ever....I was recently given my grandmother's stash that she stashed for a lifetime oh dear! Love your photos :-)

  5. Love all the stories and glad to hear I'm not the only fabric stasher. I will be using hatjunkie's line whenever I can throw it in!


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