
Sunday 7 June 2009

no knead bread

Last week I really spoilt myself and bought a French cast iron casserole dish. I've never had one of these beautiful things and I've been wanting one for a while. One of the recipes I wanted to try with it was this one, all over the internet a while ago, the New York Times recipe for No Knead bread. It takes a while, mostly resting and then you cook it in a covered pot. Mixed last night and then rested today, we got to cook it this afternoon and it was worth the wait :-)

I'm also really interested in the book Artisan Bread in Five Minutes which uses similar principles of slow rising and no knead. I've made up a batch of their Brioche mix to try caramel scrolls tomorrow. They have their master recipes on their blog so you can experiment with them before you buy the book.

The idea is you keep a master batch of dough in the fridge and break a piece off each day to bake. The long gestation adds flavour. Different techniques and additions give you an amazing range of breads. And there's no kneading, its mixed in the container and left to do its thing.

(I also finished joining all my squares yesterday for my quilt. Very overcast and I didn't get a good photo but I'll post it tomorrow! I just love it, can't stop looking at it! Now I have to work out how to do the next bit!)


  1. Oh I have the same pot! Same colour and all! You're going to love it and it will last forever. That bread of yours looks delicious.

  2. One question about the NY Times recipe - do you need to grease the bottom of the pot before you put the dough into it?

  3. You don't grease it. We wondered that too :-) And yes it was great!
    Its much softer than it looks. We had some when it came out and then the rest with pasta dinner. Lasted about five seconds!
    That is very cool you have the same dish. I'd love some good recipes for it. (I'm not a big meat eater - I was vego for many years). I'm going to try Jamie Oliver's Chicken Cacciatore in it next (its yum).

  4. wow- that bread looks amazing. i need to buy that artisan breads book, i think.
    happy cooking with your lovely new pot!

  5. I'm going to have to get the book too. They are bringing out another one with grain/healthy breads too.


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