
Tuesday 29 September 2009

front door

We've just had the windows, gable, portico and door painted on our house (after four years here!). I just love the slightly wild red we painted the door and I was tickled today to see a geranium cutting that I pinched from a friend's garden six months ago, and popped into a pot on the front verandah has flowered for the first time to match, the forest pansy cercis tree in our tiny front garden is leafing out in harmony too!
p.s. My old camera always struggled with this shade of purply red. What a nice surprise to see this one capture it perfectly.
p.p.s. I was so touched by the deep goodness of the couple who carried another's child when I saw them interviewed. They are very so honest and thoughtful in the face of an unimaginable trial.


  1. Love the door! We're just about to paint our hallway red - yummo!

  2. Wow! That's a gorgeous colour. Good to know that there are cameras that can do that - mine seems to struggle with any red that's slightly off.

  3. What a vibrant luscious colour!

  4. holy shamoly I think red doors are one of my favourite things in the world. along with red shoes :)

  5. Gorgeous colours! We are house hunting at the moment and while looking I have had a re-occuring colour theme in my head - an apple green house with a shiny pinky red door just like yours and a hedge of red geraniums.

  6. Gorgeous! It tempts me to do something similar with my front door!

  7. ooh! Look at that beautiful forest pansy leaf. One of my very favourite trees. Just lovely!

  8. The door says thank you for all for your lovely compliments :-)


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