
Wednesday 14 October 2009


Despite the very wintery weather (strong winds and rain for most of the week) we had the nicest time away. There is something about being out of town that really unravels the lines of stress that build up in a busy life. For the first few days I did a lot of staring into the distance (probably with my mouth attractively open). I slept in and finished reading Great Expectations which I've been reading and really (really) enjoying.

We did a little op shopping one day, all five of us which was fun. My favourite score was these zips and rick rack for $1 at the Animal Welfare shop. I also bought a holiday jigsaw with this lovely old fashioned inscription. We started it but most of it was a faded green colour and only half was finished by the end of the stay. My sashiko panel however is much closer to being finished.

Our friends' little house was a perfect haven. As an added bonus M is Japanese and there was a bookshelf full of japanese craft books and magazines to savour.
She also has a stack of Australian home magazines and it was fun playing spot the Aussie online peeps.

Food was cooked and eaten in large quantities. Broccoli soup made from scratch. Fresh asparagus and mayonnaise sandwiches were eaten for lunch and Whiting and bream caught off the beach on our one sunny outing were eaten for dinner with chips from the local fish and chip shop, for authenticity ;-)

On Monday we drove the yellow boat to a secluded beach in the middle of bushland and played and beachcombed (A found this paper nautilus shell) and fished and swam (too cold for me) and raced and climbed and read. A dolphin came up and caught his dinner just off the front, dancing around with his tail in the air for our enjoyment. A heartbreakingly perfect day with my gang :-)

Oh, and teeth were lost, two of them. The TF (tooth fairy) got two notes to advise her we were on holidays. I think that makes 14 teeth lost this year between my three little people. And one very busy TF!

1 comment :

  1. That looks like Chiswell or something like that. I saw one similiar at Vinnies at Bankstown recently and by my next visit .. .it was gone.


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