
Wednesday 11 November 2009


For a while now I've been putting aside envelopes, collecting the different security patterns which come across my desk. I love the different patterns you can find. But the envelopes have been sitting poked into a drawer out of sight.
I love paper garlands. I'm intrigued with the idea of sewing paper together, something I never would have thought of if I hadn't seen it online.
Somehow though these two thoughts came together in my busy brain and today I put a little time aside to make these flag garlands. They are so simple to make, I made up a template of triangles and cut into my collection. And then I just sewed them together.
I love the blue and white patterns and its a nice way to display them together, it recycles all those used envelopes, and I love the flutteriness and the slightly see-through quality of the garland. Even better, strung from one end near a window they are very mobile, quietly twirling and spinning around.
(p.s. for more beautiful envelope patterns look at this flickr set.)


  1. Lovely garland! It looks so pretty in the sunlight. I have recently been raiding my stash of saved envelope security patterns too (to cut strange alien blooms and suchlike) so have really enjoyed seeing your ingenious use of them!

  2. I love your envelope paper garland!

    And - THANK YOU for my Golden slippers print! beautiful! I received it in the post just now and my gorgeous card. I'm made up with them so big thanks, wilL blog about it this week , have a great day, take care...your distant Yorkshire cousin! Lisax

  3. Your upcycled paper garland is gorgeous...what a clever idea.

  4. I collect those too :-) this is an excellent way to have them on display!


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