
Tuesday 3 November 2009

ups + downs

Hello! I hope you're having a good day :-) I am, after a couple of weeks of feeling pretty ordinary I've suddenly begun waking up again feeling focussed and positive. It's not a big deal but I wanted to acknowledge that things aren't always perfect here at planet Flower Press. Just lately I've been really pleased to read the same on a couple of blogs I read. Artists with doubts about their work and online life, Bloggers who suddenly feel like they're talking to themselves!

I think some of that goes with working creatively whether you are a designer, crafter or blog writer. The work is very subjective and sometimes you wrestle a bit with it trying to make it look like you wanted. And then you send it out into the world to be judged and that can feel a bit vulnerable. A week of big sales can make you feel fantastic, but on the other side of the coin a slow week can make you feel blue.

It helps that I woke this morning to find Flower Press had been featured on the front page of Etsy, in this beautiful treasury. And on top of that I've been featured here on Laura Trevey's lovely blog - "Bright Bold and Beautiful". Thanks Laura.

What I wanted to say though was that I was feeling good before that. I wonder sometimes if those good vibes make their way into the world and attract good things. Sometimes I think you've got to work at being happy and at some point it starts to happen on its own!


  1. I know what you mean about the ups and downs of a creative life. We're a funny bunch! Keep strong, and remember to breathe.

  2. What a great post, it's good to know I'm not on my own! For what it's worth I think your work is beautiful!

  3. Your own only human, please dont be so hard on yourself. Your blog is always a source of inspiration to me and when im feeling blah i know a little visit to your site
    always always makes me feel better!
    Have a happy day :)

  4. Congratulations on the front page - much deserved. Sometimes we need the unfortunate downs to appreciate the little bits of goodness that come our way. I love your blog too and it is always a joy to pop over.

  5. What a lovely lot you all are! Thanks for taking the time to leave such sweet and wise words :-)

  6. Lovely treasury to be included in! I agree, it does help to read that other people also have those days where it just seems ... you know. It's hard to break out of it when you're working on your own. I'm always inspired by your work, and the down-to-earthness and simple goodness of your blog! It offers an escape from the conversations I have with myself, and reminds me to look around.


Thank you for dropping by and commenting :-)