
Tuesday 20 April 2010

show & tell - kylie hunt

The subtitle of Kylie Hunt's blog 3 Sheets is "paper, felt, fabric, wood blocks, screenprinting, paint, info". I love it! It goes some way in reflecting her wide ranging interests and enthusiasm for many crafts, artists, art and media. She has two blogs and they are both filled with art, much of it innovative, cutting edge and interesting, not least her own - so her favourite artists list is another I intend to read up on.

A talented artist as well she uses many different materials to express herself. Personally I'm captivated by her embroidered brooches (above) which are so unique and beautifully crafted - each are little works of art. Kylie shared her process on her blog recently as she worked on her screenprinted contribution to a bloggy tea towel swap. The result is beautiful and I found it so interesting to see how she got to the final result.

Anyway, I'm sure many of you know Kylie already from her lovely generous presence in our online community so please make her welcome :-)

Kylie Hunt
3 Sheets
Scissors + Paper Rock!
shop (currently in hiatus)

Short description of your blog/style/work

3 Sheets is a craft blog where I show the pieces I’m working on and the work of other people whom I find inspirational.

1. Why blog? How did you start?

I began by reading other craft blogs. I’d been making things for a while but didn’t really have any friends who were into this sort of thing. At first, I just wanted to document what I was doing and share ideas and projects with others who were interested. Then, I found this incredibly supportive community out there that I enjoyed being a part of.

2. Family taught/Self-taught/Trained?
Mostly self-taught.

3. Workspace - studio or kitchen table?
‘Studio’ is a magical word for me at the moment. I dream of having all my tools and materials in one light airy space. In reality, it’s a desk with computer and scanner/printer in a study I share with my husband, a dining table where all the sewing, screenprinting etc is done, and a tiny room that is crammed full of fabric and other materials that I use to make things.

4. Blog/Shop name, where does it come from?
There was a fabulous window display at Selfridges in London a few years ago where they took sayings and reinterpreted them with products for sale in the store. One of them was “Three Sheets to the Wind”. I’ve always loved this expression and shortened it to 3 sheets to cut down on suggestions of inebriation… They’re not true, I swear!

5. Favourite medium to work in?
This is a hard one. When I’m feeling down I always think of that saying “Jack of all trades, master of none” because I find it so hard to settle on one medium. I began as a painter, then I worked with collage, and from there it all just blossomed out to include dressmaking, screenprinting, felt, crochet etc. My favourite changes depending on what has inspired me that week. I really need to settle…

6. Ambitions/future directions/future projects/medium you'd like to try?
I want to learn how to take myself seriously. It’s difficult for me to value what I do because it’s always been a hobby. I don’t want it to necessarily be a business because I think all the love would go out of it then. There has to be some middle ground… I’m hoping there is anyway.

7. Are you neat and organised or, ahem, creatively messy?
Both. I need order in my life so that I can create. The rest of my house is kept reasonably tidy but my craft room is always a nightmare… funny thing is that I know just where everything is in that chaos ;)

A collection of handmade brooches are amongst Kylie's favourite things.

8. Favourite handmade item you own?
I have so many that I cherish. I have a fabulous collection of brooches that others have made and I love wearing clothes I’ve made myself. At the moment I’m in love with my crocheted glass cover from M*.

9. Favourite food/recipe?
I’m not really a foodie type of person. I do love mangoes and sushi though… and coffee :-)

10. Favourite colour?
Black, navy and grey in clothing and colourful shoes.

11. Star sign?

12. Favourite place, landscape (not necessarily Australian)?
I love London. I’m lucky enough to visit there every year because of my husband’s work.

13. Any tricks for juggling life/work/family with creative pursuits?
From what I’ve read on other blogs, I am a terrible mother. I’ve never been a very mumsy-mum and have always encouraged my daughters to be independent self-starter types. For example, on school holidays I begin the day by saying to my girls ‘This is what I’m doing today, what are you going to do?’ Thankfully, my husband likes getting them out of the house for activities like bike-riding etc.

14. Favourite artists?
There are so many. Generally, I’m an early 20th century girl – particularly the women artists like Sonia Delaunay, textile artists like Lucienne Day and designers like Eileen Gray and Charlotte Perriand. Oh, and photographers! There are too many to list. I’m very taken with a few ceramicists at the moment, like Brisbane-girl Kylie Johnson. I love the work of fashion designers – they’re artists to me - and I try to buy the couture magazines whenever I see them… the inspiration there is just amazing. Architecture too. I feel like I’ve left so much out… This is a very hard question! ;)

15. Three words to describe you?
Dreamer. Perfectionist. Forgetful.

16. What do you like to do besides creating?
I love walking, skiing and travelling with my husband and daughters.


  1. woo-hoo! so awesome! I loooove Kylie - she's just got so much talent, and can pretty much do anything, and do it wonderfully! thanks Susie, such a great feature. xo

  2. She is a real gem that lovely Kylie. And I don't believe she is a bad mother! We all parent the way that feels right for us, and if we all did it the same it would make for very similar children and be a bit boring I think. :)

  3. great interview! kylie is very inspiring ~ and yep, super talented. i love her work and blogs :)
    we share the food loves too!

  4. Ahh, I loved reading a bit more about you and now I also know where 3 sheets derive from. You're one fab inspiring person & I feel very lucky to have 'met' you through the virtual world! :)

  5. I loved reading this interview, I love Kylie's blog and all the lovely things she makes and her great inspirational finds, she's an inspiration herself and I love that she's found that middle ground! great interview!

  6. first may I say what a lovely space you have here ...and i just adore Kylie's spirit and artistry as I have followed her work for awhile ...thank you for featuring such a sweet person!

  7. I loved reading Kylie's interview! Thank you :)

  8. I don't believe that bad mother guff either!!! Thanks to everyone for visiting and reading Kylie's interview :-)

  9. Yes! Kylie is super and multi-talented! She is also extremely articulate and it's a joy to read her very thoughtful descriptions of the exciting artwork she 'collects' in her blog- Thank you for a great interview-
    Annamaria :)

  10. You are so great Kylie! I love your gift and how you share it with your readers. Most talented ones do not share it with others and you are so different from them. Keep it up Kylie. By the way, great interview Susie.

  11. Great interview! The 'Jack of all trades' comment really struck me, because I feel that too; and it's wonderful to see the results of all her explorations. I hope she never settles!

  12. Great interview! Thanks for letting us see the real Kylie! She is a wonderful artist and ever so talented!

  13. Jack of all trades, master of none, MY FOOT! Kylie oozes talent even from her pinky fingernail. And I wish she'd get back to making those shopping bags because I adore mine, use it constantly and have a veritable Christmas list to buy for. WINK.

  14. Wow! I think I have blush factor 1000 going on here :) Thank you so much everyone for your beautiful comments and big thanks to you Susie for the lovely interview! Sydney was constant work but it was great fun. Thanks again! Kx


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