
Friday 25 June 2010


This month has been a lucky one for Flower Press. These three beautiful treasuries have all made the front page of Etsy. Last night's treasury (at the top) brought 1100 views to my little shop! Wow. I think that might be a record! I love how different they all are from each other. And I think my favourite thing of all is the kitty in the rocket jacket! Thanks to SeaPinks, UnJardinDeHilo and KandiceInWonderland.

Thank you all so much for your lovely comments on Tania's Show & Tell interview, I knew you would love it :-) And thanks to Tania for sharing herself with us.

Would you believe I've had Miss A home this week with the Chicken Pox! I'm just happy the vaccinations the kids had have made their doses relatively light, because its not fun from what I can see. Covered in spots, feeling sick with headaches and insanely itchy for a couple of days, to the point of tears. We are only just through the worst.

One nice thing about having her here is that she loves to cook (oh, and she makes me laugh). She's made cake and toasted sandwiches this week, and just now she's gone off to make her first eclairs! Then later on we might just attempt bagels. (Yes, we have been watching too much Master Chef, why do you ask?!).

I finished Miss A's earflap hat which is a great success. I'll be back soon with some photos of that, and some new repeat patterns (more spots!) that I've been working on, they are headed somewhere fun - I can show you next week.

Amazing times here in Australian politics yesterday. A woman prime minister at last! I only wish it were in happier circumstances, and I really hope that KRudd, a good man, is remembered for some of the wonderful achievements of his short tenure, not least his apology to the stolen generation.


  1. Congratulations on the treasuries - beautiful!

  2. Well done, how exciting! Four of my kids had the chicken pox immunisation and all four got it anyway! But yes, it was a milder dose, but still not fun. I am so thrilled about our new prime minister but like you I feel for Kev. What an amazing week! xo


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