
Wednesday 8 September 2010

fathers' day

fathers day
Feeling very smug as we seem to have scooped the pool this year (see above) ;-)
On Sunday, Fathers Day here in Oz, Mr F got lovely handmade cards, pancakes in bed and a few little presents from the fathers day stall at school, including this mug which makes the perfect pair for my mothers day pressie.
In other news I am on ADSL 2+ today which is so much fun after struggling with a slow and unreliable provider for years. I can't wait to download something!!
And its suddenly September! Which means my Blog, Flickr and Etsy anniversaries are approaching fast. Look out for a giveaway and a sale, soon(ish).


  1. Oh my goodness, I am so jealous!
    I bet drinking from those mugs makes everything so much sweeter.

  2. I would love to give this mug for my mum and dad! Really lovely and i would love to order custom mug here in Indonesia.



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