
Thursday 16 September 2010

my creative space - perle



I had great intentions of sharing something in crochet today. I've struggled with it before but some tempting tutes convinced me to give it a final try. And while I'm still convinced that I'll never really 'get' it I thought I was doing tolerably well for a bit, until I realised that:
a. there is more than one crochet language but they have the same words (huh?!)
b. there is more than one (or two!) crochet hook numbering systems and,
c. there is more than one way to hold everything while you are wielding the said hook and perhaps your left hand isn't meant to cramp by the second row.

So, after another whirl around Spotlight I have now collected a total of five crochet hooks and still have absolutely nothing to show for it!

There is something on the hook that's looking almost right, on the third attempt. So I'll be back to share some actual crocheting soon, something that could actually be called creative. Please be standing by, I think I'm going to need more than a bit of encouragement and advice.

To see more actual creatives visit Kirsty.

p.s. Show and Tell next Tuesday, pass it on ;-)


  1. I know - it's very confusing! I've been grappling with crochet this year too ... wasn't very successful at first, but it's getting easier and I'm having fun now! I ended up going for an hour's tuition at my local yarn store to sort out my main problems and that helped a lot.

    Keep going and have fun!

  2. Well your picture looks gorgeous! I've only learned to crochet this year & it was a huge relief to find out that there were different crochet languages, once that was sorted it all made sense! I also found Lucy's instructions at Attic 24 very easy to follow..have you taken a peek over there?

  3. Well the photos are beautiful anyway!


  4. What Tam said .... gorgeous photos!!!

  5. Took me ages and ages to figure it all out too, and even now I think I don't have the technique quite down. The white is beautiful though - keep it up, it will work eventually!

  6. Points 'a' and 'b' are complete news to me, but I know everything about point 'c': i.e. that there is more than one way to skin a cat and what's most comfy for you IS THE RIGHT WAY.

    You watch. You'll be crocheting socks (or something) in no time.

  7. How exciting! You know how I love crochet. Once you 'get' it there will be no stopping you!

  8. I can say from my own experience, when you start crochet, there is no way back! I've stated learning crochet like 5 month ago and I am addicted to it!!!

    Good luck!

  9. it is pretty confusing to start with, but once you get your hand to 'remember' it becomes relaxing and addictive!

  10. You're one step close than me with your crocheting. I don't even possess a hook. You have to start somewhere and they say enthusiasm is a larger factor so you're on the right path!
    If it's any consolation - you take incredibly beautiful photographs!

  11. Good on your for not giving up! All the wonderful clever clogs just make it look oh so easy, but it really is hard to learn, me thinks! You're so capable at everything that I've no doubt you'll get there before you know it. x

  12. I love those photos - makes me want to pick up the hook again but my right hand is not up to it. Quilting is still the best craft for me to do without injuring myself.

  13. I have received a URL that shows all types of crocheting. Not much on the techniques but the different types.

  14. Crochet is enormously tricky - until one day everything clicks. I really struggled to hold on to everything! But you'll get it.


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