
Thursday 14 October 2010

blue mountains

blue mountains
blackheath view
govett's leap
white stars
forked drosera

Last week we stayed a few days in Blackheath in the Blue Mountains, just west of Sydney. Though we often drive through the mountains its been a while since we stopped and took advantage of this most beautiful part of the world.
Its not a cliché to say that the views at Govett's Leap and Echo Point are breathtaking. They literally stop you in your tracks, the wide vista with steep cliffs dropping away to large valleys lined with trees. And all takes on a blue haze, which gives the mountains their name.
Our first walk down to the bottom of Govett's Leap waterfall was along one of these sheer cliffs, staircases carved into the rock and all damp and slippery from the rain. The range of beautiful wildflowers kept me entranced along the way.
Coming back up was tough going (for the grown ups). We weren't surprised to read at the top that the track was graded hard, steep and rough! Not sure how we missed that on setting out. I'm so glad we did it though, it was just magical.
Don't you love these insect eating Droseras (last two photos), the forked one and the red one, they look like Dr Seuss plants! More flowers on my Flickr.


  1. Wow, your photos are absolutely stunning. And make me oh so very homesick for the Blue Mountains! :)

  2. Beautiful photographs. Those white flowers are so sweet.

  3. wonderful pictures! looks soooo beautiful:)

  4. I'll be hauling the middle kid to the computer upon waking tomorrow. OOOOH! More insect eating plants! (we're a bit obsessed)...


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