
Wednesday 3 November 2010

home again

louisiana iris
aqueligia pods
honeysuckle pods
mackaya bella
euphorbia flower
I'm home again as you can see, wandering around our little garden which has grown and flourished in my absence thanks to loads of rain. My little family met me at the airport last night - its always a treat to walk off the plane and see them after time away. They seem especially beautiful and their hugs are always savoured.

My dad ended up having a partial hip replacement on Sunday, poor thing he fell and broke his shoulder and his hip ten days ago but a doctor missed the hip fracture and it took a second xray to bring it to light. All this is complicated by the effects of the major stroke he suffered a couple of years ago. So it was a difficult time and I felt blessed that I could be there to hold Mum's hand (and her mine) through the uncertainties of the operation. Luckily he came out as hale and hearty as he went in, with his sense of humour and great courage in tact.

Thank you to everyone who commented or emailled or texted me. I was really touched by each message.

I'm slowly getting back up to speed and I will be back to share my latest Ebay purchase in my Creative Space tomorrow! It arrived while I was away and I can't wait to go and experiment :-)


Thank you for dropping by and commenting :-)