
Thursday 25 November 2010

my creative space - ginger beer

ginger beer
I'm cheating again this week, borrowing some creativity, this time I'm stealing Miss A's ginger beer production for my creative space. I did make her though, so I think it still counts ;-)

I love this old clipping of the recipe we are using which comes from my mother in law and still talks in pints. Miss A's never heard of them and calls them pin-ts as in pins! Ginger beer uses a yeasty plant that you have to make and feed for a week before you use it. You keep the plant and just drain off the liquid so you can make batch after batch. We are onto our second batch as the first disappeared in a couple of days.

Its quite simple but fascinating and I am completely amazed at how the bottles of ginger beer are all bubbly and delicious when you open them. We use plastic soda bottles and don't fill them completely to allow for expansion. The perfect summer holiday project.

Edited to add: For anyone trying this at home here is a clearer version of the recipe on Flickr:

A big thank you to everyone that came and read and commented on my Show & Tell. It was a bit nerve wracking doing it myself but lots of fun too. Thanks for supporting the series. It will be back bright and shiny next year with lots of wonderful bloggers to read about.


  1. YUM! I love ginger beer. Lovely show & tell too..

  2. Ooh...nice and refreshing for the warmer weather :)

  3. Wow - I didn't realise it was so complicated... kind of nice though to go through that process of actually creating the yeast water. Really cool actually :) Enjoy your second batch. Kx

  4. When I was pregnant with my daughter, my husband used to work a night job as well as a day job. Very busy. Anyway, I was upstairs, alone and home and I heard this sound like a gun going off in the street and was convinced my neighbours had been home invaded. I couldn't understand why nobody else was out in the street when I ran downstairs and had a look. It was our garage under our upstairs bit and 40 glass bottles of ginger beer exloding because husband had added too much sugar. Can you imagine! He spent the next day home from work cleaning the glass out of the garage!

  5. Ooo, Ooo, Ooo - nothing like lashings of ginger beer at this time of year.
    Well done.

  6. It's like having a little bubbly pet. Ooh I have an urge for some now.

  7. Have never tried it but it looks delicious and i love ginger and bubbly drinks!

  8. I love ginger beer looks gorgeous!

  9. What fun!
    I think you definitely get to claim her creativity as your own because you made her.
    Have a wonderful weekend. X

  10. My mum craved ginger beer when she was pregnant with me, and I love it! Nice one, those old clipped out recipes are often the best.

  11. I'm so tempted to make some ginger beer - but am worried it will be so yummy i'll drink it all in a day!

    I'm about to start a sourdough after growing that maybe i'll give ginger beer a go.

    Thanks for the inspiration :-)

  12. We've been threatening to make this every summer for the past 3 years. Now I'm really thinking about it seriously - thank you!

  13. I'm inspired, do you have a recipe you can point me to?


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