
Wednesday 8 December 2010

smelling the roses

red rosesred rosesred roses
I'm having one of those days today, you know the ones. Lost couriers and cranky kids and its hot and humid so I feel a bit red in the face anyway. I've been trying to breathe, and stopping to smell these roses, my anniversary present yesterday from Mr flowerpress. Fourteen years ago we got married in a little progress hall on the North Coast and celebrated at a beautiful restaurant on the river. Our chef went on to get two hats and we went on to live happily ever after. Apart from those occasional crazy days when nothings seems to go right!


  1. Happy anniversary Mr and Mrs Flowerpress!
    Everyone is grumpy here too if it makes you feel any better and our anniversary is on Sunday. I hope you got some tme to celebrate and maybe even a bit of romance. X

  2. Two hats? Is an extra hat a special prize for chefs there?

    I hope you managed a relaxed moment. Happy Anniversary!

    I need to stop and smell things more. I dash about far too much.

  3. Oh this sure is cranky weather we are having! Happy anniversary to you both, hope you manage to celebrate and have some fun. Love those roses, wow! x

  4. Happy Anniversary! Beautiful roses indeed. Oh, those days. You just want to hop into bed and wait until the next day dawns and start again.

    Congratulations on being featured in today's Made it finds email newsletter!


  5. Happy anniversary! Hope your day gets better; just remember that the day after one of these days always feels amazing :)

  6. Beautiful! Happy anniversary to you both. I feel like I could almost step into that beautiful deep red.

  7. Lovely red roses.

    Just like to share with you a quotes about life...

    "The good life is inspired by love and guided by knowledge." -- Bertrand Russell

    You can get more quotes about life at


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