
Wednesday 1 December 2010


hello kitty advent calendar
sydney etsy team treasury
What a lovely bunch you lot are! I've been so touched over the last week by all the lovely comments you've left about my magazine appearance and my Show & Tell interview. You have really made me smile. Everyone was so sweet about my photo too! I'm not sure why I've waited so long to share a pic (well I do - but it was actually quite painless!).

Life has been busy, I spent last weekend finalising the artwork for a new tea towel design. Yay! Hopefully I'll have printed tea towels by week's end or early next week at the latest. I can't wait to share, I also have some new colours of old favourites coming too so that's fun.

And suddenly its December and summer, advent calendars were opened early this morning. Its still raining here though, great for the garden but not so good for the annual street Christmas party planned for tomorrow. A friend of mine and I have been organising this event for the last four years, its a great way to catch up with all our lovely neighbours. We meet for dinner and drinks at a park down the street. I love how all the kids hang out together and play, big ones and small ones, I love the way that new people are welcomed into the gang, and I love that I live in such a fantastic neighbourhood. Go away rain!

This wonderful treasury showcases some other great Sydneysiders, members of the fabulous new Sydney Etsy Team which was started this month. Check out the link for some great Australian sellers, lots of new faces for me, and some old friends too!

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