
Thursday 27 January 2011

my creative space - fail!


Remember that New Year's resolution to sew the Shearwater Kaftan? Yesterday I had the house to myself for a couple of hours and decided to make a start. Annoyingly on unwrapping the pattern I found that the pattern pieces were printed double-sided in pieces that needed joining and would need to be traced onto tracing paper first. Of course I didn't have any tracing paper and it was a public holiday so I couldn't buy any.

I was all ready to sew so I came up with a plan to scan the pieces and print them out instead. It took more than an hour to do all that but I consoled myself in thinking it would be a good, exact copy of the pattern and all the markings, and that I could use it again in the future.

To cut a long story short I cut out the pattern and started sewing. After I got to the point of attaching the sleeves I threw it over my head to see how it fitted. It didn't. What?

Turns out all the pieces had printed, unbeknownst to me, at 90% (@#@*&!). I'm sad because of the wasted time but also because I really like this fabric. I'm just hoping that I can find it again at Spotlight, or something as nice. And I'm just hoping too I will find some more enthusiasm to start again. Hmmm, at the moment I'm not feeling it!


  1. Bit of a One Hit Wonder and Strike While The Iron’s Hot gal myself. Poor you. Deep breath. Dive in. With even fabulouser fabric AND tracing paper...

  2. Aargh! I hate it when that happens! (and I'm afraid it happens far too often around these parts too!) I'm in the middle of some learning experiences too.. here's to lessons learned + experience earned :) Kx

  3. Oh that is such a shame, what a bugger! This sort of thing happens to me & I pack up the sewing machine & don't try again forever, which is probably why my sewings not so great! Try again, soon, I say..

  4. noooo!!! that majorly sucks! how disappointing for you :(

  5. OHH!!! I feel for you. Anyone else smaller can use it?? I hope you find the same fabric again xx

  6. I feel for you. This is what happens to me too, and then I chuck it in a basket too, as I can't face it again. I hate it when they put the pattern on both sides of the paper.

  7. Don't you hate false starts! I hope you're fabric is still there (just got a Spotlight sale thing in the post - so maybe things will start looking up?)

  8. Oh no.. I used the exact same pattern and ended up with a kaftan that only just reached my belly button!! (However, I think that was my own fault, not the pattern)..

  9. Ah and that is precisely why I find it hard to stick at sewing! Something like that would frustrate the XXXX out of me.

  10. Oh no! How horrible(and how exactly the kind of thing I do too). I hope you can get more of the fabric, it's lovely.

  11. Oh dear I have to say I feel for you I use burda and have done the very same thing.... Please don't let it annoy you too much though, you'll find the fabric again... and you will find another pattern or be determined to get this one right! x

  12. oh no! how disheartening! i love the fabric and hope you will manage to find some more..

  13. Groan! How frustrating!!

    It's like when you're busy creaming butter and sugar from the recipe and five lines down it says 'take the remaining butter and...' and then you read back and realise that the quantities were reduced for creaming. Blah!


  14. Ack! So sorry...what a pain in the neck! Hope you find something wonderful to work with---and a nice stash of tracing paper!

  15. This happened to me too was very sad. But all was not lost my wonderful Mum suggested that it could still be a top she chopped the top off and moved the the bottom half up so it became the top being a hip width and then made straps to go over the shoulder. I love it! and I still get to wear the lovely material I bought I hope you find a solution too!

  16. Oh bum!! I hate it when stuff like that happens. Will it fit Miss A? My only advice would be to try again asap otherwise you may not. Have a wonderful Sunday Susie. X

  17. Oh no! That would've tipped me completely. I hope you find the strength (& fabric) to try again.

  18. EEEEK! That's my sewing life in a nutshell! You poor thing - good luck on your next try :-)


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