
Tuesday 25 January 2011

room with a view

room with a view

The spare tent went up in the backyard early last week for a cousin's visit and then a birthday sleepover. I have fond memories of this tent, its the one I camped in when I was six months pregnant with twins, and yes I took up most of the space back then!
Its been really popular and though I haven't slept out there I succumbed to temptation the other evening while making the beds to have a little test. Its very nice, the windows look out on different parts of the overgrown summer garden and cool breezes float through the open sides. I lay there and dreamed about having a little garden studio, wouldn't that be nice, I could just picture it with lots of windows and weatherboard walls. Maybe one day...
I've been a bit absent here but I'm taking advantage of having the kids home. All too soon school and music and sport will start and we'll be rushing into another year. Tomorrow is Australia Day too and another holiday here! I'm thinking I might have an Australia Day discount in the shop, if I do I'll post it here first.


  1. Oooh, yes. A garden studio would beat a tent for me, hands down! Sigh. One day... It's on the list with a library, a wine cellar, a huge veggie patch and a small orchid.


  2. I'm with you on the garden studio idea. Mmmmmmm.

  3. Now I can dig THAT sort of camping!

  4. Oh wow! This is just wonderful :) You've just given me a great idea for my little one's birthday - thanks Susie! Kx

  5. this is really lovely! the studio would be great.
    we got the kids a trampoline with a tent that goes on the top and it makes it kind of like an above ground garden room, i love it ~ hoping to camp out soon!


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