
Monday 7 February 2011



I saw this video yesterday on the Wren Handmade blog and just had to share it. The skill involved in making these wooden printing blocks is obvious and even more awe inspiring when you see them in person, I have a small collection that I treasure.
But to see the process and watch the printing, well that is just magic! I know many of you will be just as excited as me to see the method, though its fascinating if you print or not.


  1. Wow. The printing seems easy compared to the work and skill required for the actual carving. So nice to see this tradition being continued. x

  2. Wonderful to see the carving and the printing. I'm very curious about the ink - I shall have to investigate.

    I recently met someone who buys cloth like this in India and then sells it here in South Africa. She pays a pittance for the cloths, and seems quite proud of that. It's very sad to think how little the carvers and printers must make.

  3. Truly inspiring.
    Thanks for showing it : )

  4. ฺBeautiful video.

    It's a pity that in some parts of the world, such beautiful art tradition is not valued as much as it should be.

  5. Fabulous video. Thanks for sharing. I love watcing processes like these. Amazing.

  6. Wow, thanks for sharing. What a process. I have to watch it again. X

  7. Wow Susie, how lovely! And the craftsmen make it look so easy! I love their confidence when they are creating the block and the double tap tap with the right fist when these are placed carefully on the cotton/paper. Absolutely wonderful! I can see why you treasure your blocks, which I remember seeing! Thanks for sharing, I really do love your blog!

  8. Ah yes....those highly skilled printing folk of India. I am so in awe of their carving skills. The depth of their carving is really wonderful and ensures the print comes off cleanly. Thanks for posting!

  9. Gasp!

    The imagery, the craftsmanship, the everything.


  10. Wow.. that is totally amazing and what beautiful work!!


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