
Thursday 17 February 2011

my creative space - potting

I think I've told you before that our primary school holds a big autumn fair each year to raise money. Its an amazing undertaking, with rides and CWA baking competitions, food, handicrafts, books, concerts... This will be the third year its been held.

I help run the gardening committee at school which does working bees during the year to look after the plants and trees and lawns. Each year of the last three years we've had a stall at the fair selling plants, seeds, gardening supplies and having a big raffle.

I'm cheating a bit because these photos are from last year's stall stock but this is what I'm doing today, using my great paper pot maker to make up small plant pots and potting out the seedlings we've bought to grow on for the fair.

Some friends and I went out to one of the big nurseries last week and bought lots of herb and flower seedlings. We potted up heaps but then got a bit distracted by lunch! So there are still lots to do, and today is the day. My paper pot maker from Remo was quite expensive but I've seen people make these pots with a glass instead. I'll show you how one day. I love that the pots are biodegradable and you can even just put the whole thing plant and pot in the ground. So with paddle pop sticks (is that a very Australian name!) for labels they are very earth friendly.

For more creative types head to Kirsty's.


  1. Paddle pop stick! I love it :) We call them that too! These are looking fabulous, Susie. Loving the paper pots and all that yummy herby goodness too. Good luck with the fair. Kx

  2. Your school sounds great! And I think if I were at it, I would instantly be drawn to your stall. The pots are gorgeous!

  3. Your herbs look beautiful...the pots, even better!

  4. Love the paper pots, a great idea.

  5. I'll be bating my breath for that glass pot-making tute and leaving small hints if necessary. In the meanwhile, I must declare that paddle pop sticks are one of the World’s Great Inventions.

  6. the paddle pop stick has so many uses!
    looks like a fun day outside :)

  7. I can so see the similarities of our week just gone!!! Good old school. I love your little paper potting pots (say that really fast!). Do you have one of those whizz-bang makers or do you just roll and go? Does that question even make sense? I hope you know what I'm on about! I'm assuming that you could just put the whole thing in the ground and the newspaper would wear away and voila! x

  8. I want to see how the pots are made with a glass! I do!

    So lovely... nothing like a bit of playing in the dirt...

  9. you've got a whole lotta thyme on your hands lady!

    They look gorgeous and good luck at the fair.

  10. this looks like a lovely way to spend a day I love the smell of thyme- gorgeous!


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