
Friday 25 February 2011

words to live by

We had an information evening last night at the boys primary school. One of the teachers spoke about the school 'rules' which are contained in the phrases above - Be Kind, Work Hard, Have Fun! I think its such a great way of looking at things and the words have been echoing in my mind ever since, lit up in colour like this!

Happy weekend everyone. Thank you for all your lovely comments and emails this week. Welcome to new and old followers and subscribers and thank you to all the wonderful blogs who link their blog rolls this way.


  1. There is a nice balance to those words isn't there? Loving the way you've printed them too.

  2. What great school rules.
    Pretty good 'life' rules too!

    Happy weekend to you too.

  3. Love these words today...just what I need to start my day.....your blog is to visit your etsy store. xooxxo Happy happy day...I teach elementry school children...may hve to print this one up and hang in on my wall. xoxoxoxoo

  4. and cheers to more u-turns for dahlias thanks flower*press x

  5. Words to live by! Hope you've had a great weekend!
    (P.S. Your resident dove couple sound utterly charming :)

  6. That pretty much sums it up, don't you think? Clever school for making their values so clear for all students. x

  7. Those are MY kind of school rules! And prioritised to perfection, I reckon.


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