
Wednesday 9 March 2011



Isn't it amazing the way colour can change a pattern. I spent a little time playing with my clouds design the other day trying to use a different palette than usual. I love these autumnal tones and the way they look in this design. It makes me think of 1920s and 30s geometrics and art deco.
Not so creative this week, lots of boring stuff and nothing going quite right, one of those weeks!
On Monday though I had a long lunch with a friend I haven't caught up with for ages. She's having a great week, after some hard times. So that was good. And so was the whitebait fritters and rocket salad, yum!


  1. I love the red! Yes, I am having a sparse week of creativity - too much study! Lovely to read your blog, would love you to pop over to my blog if you have time... I am quite newish to the blog world!

  2. Loving this palette - very warm and sophisticated!

  3. I think it's good to give yourself time to work through things on the inside..then you will be outwardly creative again. Sometimes that means just giving the brain a rest..percolating.

  4. These colours are fabulous Susie! It does make the pattern feel totally different, you're right! Kx

  5. this is not my week, either. :)
    i love your cloud design- it's stylish and the autumnal colours are beautiful!

  6. great pattern, could also look a bit japanese with that dark background!


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