
Sunday 17 April 2011


The Mr and I were delighted to see Margaret Olley's face smiling back at us from yesterday's Herald in Ben Quilty's Archibald winning portrait. (For overseas readers the Archibald is the premier Australian painting/portrait prize.)
I've blogged about the wonderful Margaret before. She's quite inspiring. In her late eighties now she is still painting and exhibiting, sponsoring and supporting galleries and collections and mentoring young artists, including Ben Quilty. And this is the second Archibald winner with Margaret as subject, the last time was in 1948.
We're just got back from our week away with sand in our shoes, shells in our pockets and the wind still in our hair. I'm coming back to share photos once I've unpacked and collapsed a bit.
Don't forget that on Tuesday this month's wonderful Show & Teller will be revealed, I'm really looking forward to that, she's another wonderfully talented blogger, in fact I think some of you might know her ;-)
I came back to a handful of postcards with exotic stamps as part of my swap. Once I have them all I'll post some pics. I'm loving the stamps as much as anything! Its inspired me again about swapping and I promised to get my swap organised and get a sign up out. Soon!


  1. Fabulous! That was my pick! It's such a wonderful piece.

    I also love the image conjured up by the line 'shells in our pockets and the wind still in our hair.' Beautiful. Looking forward to hearing more. :)

  2. I spotted this artful beauty on the news earlier this week. It was but a glimpse but there was a simultaneous intake of breath from the Mr and I. Both the Mr and I were listening to the radio on Friday evening. He at home, me in the car. When I walked in the door we both yelled: "Did you hear?!!!" I was punching the air at Ben Quilty’s win. There were squeals of delight.

  3. It's a portrait that just makes you want to keep looking at it... (a real testament to the artist and the subject I think...)
    By the way, I received your artwork in the mail... thank you! we love it!

  4. What a wonderful portrait! Love your blog~your watercolors are great too and the marble print so fab for boys!!

  5. The winning portrait is just amazing. My favourite for many years. I doubt that anyone could do an average portrait of that wonderful face. x


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