
Sunday 10 April 2011

Giveaway Winner

yellow marbles fabric

The Random Number Machine has chosen Catherine, from Pencils and Pins blog as the Print Giveaway winner. Congratulations Catherine, you win your choice of print... the Yellow Marbles design! Email me your address and I'll pop it in the post (link up there on the left).

Here is a sneaky look at the fabric proof of that design which I ordered to check colours (and, luckily, scale). I think its come out really well! As I said before the marbles are much bigger than I meant to order but, you know what, they are really starting to grow on me this size! Each marble is almost exactly the size of an Australian 20c piece, a little over an inch and I like the way it works as a larger scale print. I think it would make a fantastic quilt cover.

I'm looking forward to sharing the other proofs with you all. Not next week though as we are taking a little holiday down south. I can not wait! Time with my little gang, some intensive jigsaw building, beachcombing and maybe some knitting if I can organise a quick project before Tuesday.

When I get back I also have a fabulous new Show & Tell for you. You are going to love it!! And I'm planning a little print sale too for those who missed out.

p.s. Did you see the ten finalists for Project Selvage? I was really surprised with the popular vote, especially as the design I liked didn't make it. Did you vote? Did your choice make the cut?


  1. Thank you! I've just sent you an email.

    I checked out Project Selvage too, and can't see my favourites either...

  2. Cool fabric...have a great holiday! Congratulations to Catherine.

  3. Congratulations to the winner (you lucky thing!) :) Wow - I totally missed the whole voting thing (sorry). We are off on holidays next week too - isn't it exciting? We're going to the mountains :) Have a fun holiday Susie! Kx

  4. I expected a bit more colour from the finalists. Suprised to see just how much blue there is!


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