
Monday 9 May 2011

mothers day

mothers day
mothers daymothers day
mothers day
I had a lovely Mothers day yesterday, with beautiful handmade cards from all my lovelies, including this flower canvas from Mr J, optical illusion card from Mr D and tulip cutout from Miss A. Aren't they amazing. I love those three so very much and I really feel blessed to have them in my life (cue tears).

Apart from breakfast in bed, I got these lovely Glasshouse candles, some Belle Fleur chocs (see mothers day 2010!) and some design magazines. Miss A is doing a cafe design for her Food Tech assignment and the theme she's chosen is Alice in Wonderland. For dinner she practiced her Red Queen Risotto recipe on me, complete with beetroot heart.

Brooch Swap sign ups close tomorrow. Thanks you all for your wonderful enthusiasm - we have over 70 participants from around the world joining in! There are a few people who haven't given me their address details. Please check your email, in most cases I've emailled or left comments on your blogs but some people have left no contact details at all.  I don't want to leave people out and I've done as much as I can to make contact. Please check in so I can add you to the list, tomorrow is the last day. If you can't access my email details above leave your email address in the comments for me and I'll be in touch.


  1. aww they all look fabulous and the risotto looks so yummy!!

    i have emailed you back hope you got my email with my contact and email address info.{yay excited about your swap,im sort of dreaming brooches eek haha }


  2. What a delightful mothers day - tell your daughter that beetroot heart is truly inspired!!

  3. What fabulous Mother's Day things you got there!! I love the look of that risotto and beautiful heart.X

  4. Naww, sounds like you had a great Mothers Day yesterday.

    I sent you an email about joining the swap on Friday. I have my fingers crossed that you received it.

  5. Lucky you! I did pause at the photo of the risotto, on my way down to reading your text, and was not sure what it was but decided that if it went with red wine then it must be OK. Love the beetroot heart, very cute.

  6. Fabulous gifts, no wonder there were tears. And the Alice in Wonderland theme is fantastic. Wishing her all the best for an equally fab grade.

    Happy Mother's Day for yesterday.


  7. It appears that you have enjoyed a very creative Mother's Day..your children must all be creative like you!

  8. Looks like a lovely day indeed. Amazing cards, your kids made. Seeing the wine that accompanied the risotto made me smile. Wolf Blass Yellow Label is a favourite at our house!

  9. Wow, I love all your cards & gifts, lucky you! Glad you had such a happy day xo

  10. Looks like you had a great day yesterday!! Love all of these fun photos!
    That heart on the risotto is awesome! thanks for your visit! xoxo


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