
Friday 10 June 2011

More brooches!

As promised here's another link list to share your posts about brooches, made, received or still in progress. Thanks to all the people who shared last time. There were over 1100 link views last time we shared! So its a great way to meet other swappers and show your work.
Its been really inspiring for me to see all the amazing brooches coming out of the swap, and even more fun now they've started arriving at their destinations. Check out the Flickr group here.

This link will stay open till June 26th, which is five days after the swap deadline.

For all those who haven't sent your brooch you have ten days to finish and send it!

I haven't heard from anyone so I'm presuming we're all on track to get our brooches finished. Which is great :-)

Add your link below:


  1. You have heard from me!
    You know I've been struggling. I made one the other day but it turned out enormous, more of a corsage. I have another plan brewing now though. Literally. x

  2. I finally finished mine last night & hubby will hopefully remember to post it today (to the UK). Fingers crossed they like it!

  3. If I show my brooch my partner will get a sneak peek - she knows I am making her one so I am keeping it under wraps!!! Loving what I am seeing out there - some amazing amazing work!!!

  4. I sent mine! hope my partner gets it safe and sound.


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