
Wednesday 20 July 2011

african drought

east africa appeal
You don't need to be a parent to be devastated reading the stories of mothers losing their children in the African drought, but that's what has driven me today to donate to the cause through our favourite charity, UNICEF. Children under five are the most vulnerable to the effects of malnutrition.
You can go here now to add a small or large donation to this emergency appeal, to help families threatened by this natural disaster. The extent of this crisis is mind boggling.
Coincidentally I've just finished reading The Poisonwood Bible, an amazing book, set in Africa, in the Congo which talks about the extremes of weather that shape this continent. Its an amazing story, have you read it?


  1. I haven't read it but have heard that it's amazing. What are you reading next? I am halfway through The Book Thief, for Book club, which I've read before. Glad to hear you are donating through UNICEF, every little bit really does help. It's so sad to see people suffering, children in particular. Thanks for the reminder x

  2. I've had that book recommended to me so many times but something still stops me from reading it. Don't know why. Heard a negative reaction somewhere, I think. Perhaps I should get it from the library and make up my own mind...

    Good on you for the UNICEF link. Once these sort of disasters hit the front page you know the situation is absolutely at and beyond crisis point.

    And yes to Norton St. Also at markettown and About Life in Rozelle. x

  3. read it and looved it! Another book you might like is Out of Poverty by Paul Polack, it talks about helping subsistence farmers and dollar a day people with affordable farming technology that allows them to earn more from their land I really enjoyed it. I don't know what you can do though when the rain just doesn't come and keeps on not coming.... except of course what you just did.

  4. Well done for giving to UNICEF! I give every month and they do some amazing work! I have read the poisonwood bible and it's a brilliant book!

  5. My husband and I give to UNICEF every month its a small thing but worth it. The Poisonwood Bible I had a love hate relationship with.

  6. Good work, it is just totally devastating.
    It breaks my heart how many little ones are caught up in the sadness...xx

  7. Yes, I have read that book, many years ago, Loved it. Coincidentally my Dad just gave my copy back to me the other day!


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