
Friday 29 July 2011


Every year there's a moment when I look around and suddenly notice with surprise the early signs of the changing seasons. The days are suddenly a little longer and the jasmine has clambered its way across its neighbours and is poised to explode like fireworks.
My poor neglected garden has been doing its thing behind the scenes through this long wet we've had in Sydney. Looking around I see the magnolias are blooming and the daphne is in full swing. Spring is on its way.
I've had my head down lately caught up in worry and boring routine, getting through the days, the chores, the routines and responsibilities. I'm much happier when the sun is shining, and days like today are just the tonic I need.


  1. Isn't it the most beautiful day.

    My jasmine looks the same. Unfortunately, though, my photo looks nothing like yours!

  2. We certainly have had two glorious days - let's hope it stays like this for the weekend.

    "Roll on spring", that's what I say!

  3. Gorgeous photos... loving all the shadows on the second one! I'm so glad that sun has come out to say hi... I still feel a bit soggy from all that horrible rain! :)

  4. That head-down worry, is it the same worry as a while ago? Long-term head-down worry is the absolute pits and ghastly for the soul. In any case, I'm glad the shone sun down on you today, Mrs.

  5. I know how you feel. It's been wet and grey forever in Melbourne: the last 2 days the sun came out and I felt my spirit lifting. (And I got my washing done!) Also, who wouldn't feel better seeing those lovely flowers come out.

  6. I had the same sensation today of noticing the change of season.
    I'm with you Susie; much happier when the sun is shining.

    p.s really like that pic of the jasmine, so soft.

  7. Hi Susie..your lens is superb. These images are a tonic for my soul!

  8. I love them all but that moss is just divine :) Kx

  9. What beautiful photos! Thanks for sharing them.

  10. These photos are stunning. I too am always so happy when suddenly, spring arrives and everything, well, springs into bloom!

  11. oh, jasmine, and in this winter chill. You are north so this means I will soon see jasmine here in the south. Your photos give a delicious teaser to spring which is now not far away. beautiful pics as always.

  12. Beautiful photos of around your garden. We too are finally enjoying some more settled weather and my garden is showing some signs of spring.

  13. Amazing how much the weather can effect the mood; I have a ray of sun on my back right now I feel like it is recharging my batteries! Gorgeous photos x


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