
Wednesday 7 September 2011

my creative space - labelled

new labelsblossoming almond treelabelled

These labels have been on the 'drawing board' for ages I'm afraid, they've been one of those little things that kept getting pushed down the list again and again. So I was delighted to finally get this parcel yesterday! This is a new design using my newish logo and with a bit of colour to add some fun. They are from Fancyweaver for those of you who are tempted to get some of your own.

I chose this favourite blue because I thought it would go well with most things. And it reminds me of this wonderful Van Gogh painting of almond blossom, quite apt for spring time which is springing around here.
Now to go and make something to sew my label into! More creative types here.


  1. They look TOTALLY AMAZING, Susie!! I love them. Have been wanting to get proper labels done myself for ages now. Hopefully, this will inspire me to get my act together ;) Love the Van Gogh painting too :) Kx

  2. I love your labels and the painting that inspired them!

  3. They look fantastic! Definitely inspiring me to get my own!

  4. YOur labels looks great and I love the colour... such a great blue... bright and happy :)

  5. great labels! They look kind of similar to mine actually - probably why I love them so much! LOL...

  6. What a wonderful piece to be inspired by too! That is one of my favourite art works.We saw it in Amsterdam and read about the meaning behind it. Vincent painted it for his brother Theo's first born son and it was hung above his crib. It was said to represent added branches to the family tree. We loved it so much we brought a large print of it and posted it back to Australia, where we put it away for a few years and had it framed when I was pregnant with Cohen. It hung above his cot as a baby and will hang in his room once more when we finally move into the new house.

    Did I mention I love the labels? :)

  7. Love the labels!!! Labels are so handy to have, I love going to someones house & admiring something, turning it over & then realised that I made it (& had completely forgotten about it)!!!!!!

  8. Love your labels! Love them. Reminds me I need some. Now! Thanks :-)

  9. Oh very nice Susie, great colour! Labels are a great thing, they put that finishing touch on everything. - Love Christina's story on the print too, so lovely. x

  10. Love the labels!!! Good choice of color and font. I hope you show us a picture of something you have a label sewn in.

  11. They are so lovely...I am waiting on my first labels to arrive . Hope they are as lovely as yours.

  12. These look great! Love the colour!

  13. That is exactly what I need to do. Yours are gorgeous, that colour is so pretty. Nicely chosen!

  14. sweet!!!!
    I ♥ the color and design! :)

  15. Great idea to do those labels in two colourways, and including your web address. You are seriously getting things together!

  16. They look fabulous!!! You have such an eye for things... even tags!

    Make sure you join into my giveaway!!

  17. One day, when I grow up, I shall label EVERYTHING. Look out world!

  18. These are lovely. What a gorgeous blue!


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