
Tuesday 20 September 2011

show & tell - camille condon

show&tell18In Full Bloom 1
I'm sure that some of you could have guessed this month's guest simply from the colour of the banner above! And if the colours weren't enough of a giveaway then I'm sure these beautiful vibrant fabric flowers would be.

The CurlyPops blog is always full of bright colour and design. I love it for its mix of beautiful sewing, sculptural work, op shopping, fabric design, vintage fabrics and tea towels, a few of my favourite things! If you haven't seen it you're missing out. Curlypops' bright colourful retro style always makes me smile.

CurlyPops is the work of Cam Condon aka SuperPops, a talented crafter. You may remember Cam's work featured on my blog recently when I showed off a beautiful bag she made from one of my Filigree tea towels. I've always admired Cam's sewing on her blog, but to see it up close was a real treat. If I can ever sew half as well I'll be a happy girl!

In fact I was quite self conscious when I sent my hottie in for the group entry she coordinated for the Hottie Challenge this year. I really hope she didn't look too closely at my stitching! Cam did an amazing job of coordinating 50+ bloggers and crafters to make hot water bottle covers for an exhibition to raise money for the Margaret Pratt Foundation. It was wonderful to be part of this group and as I was organising a swap of my own at the time I know how much work would have gone into it. This cause is close to Cam's heart as she was recently accepted to the waiting list for a lung transplant.

That's another thing I love about Cam's blog. Reading her blog has informed me on issues like blood donation, organ transplant and pharmaceutical subsidies. I like hearing about these issues from a first hand perspective and so admire her honesty and courage.

But anyway, I'm sure I'm not the only one with a soft spot for the 'Pops so I'll get out of the way and let you read more about her and her blog!! Thanks Cam :-)

Camille Condon - but everyone knows me as Cam

1. Can you give us a short description of your blog/style/work
Wow, how do I explain my blog? It's mainly about the craft, but it's also a little bit of everything else in my life thrown in for good measure. I think I've developed my own unique style over the last few years. It all starts with colour - usually pink, orange and red... but I really love any bright colours mashed together. I also have a penchant for vintage and retro - mainly the bright and funky styles from the 60's and 70's.

iphone pouches

Lots of my work tends to be as a result of some sort a brilliant idea born from a happy accident. I wish I could say that I sit down and plan what I'm going to design or make next, but I really just design or make whatever I feel like making and hope for the best.

2. Why blog? How did you start?
 I started reading blogs after I had to give up working full time in 2007. I'm currently on the waiting list for a double lung transplant at the Alfred Hospital in Mebourne.

I went away for my annual summer holiday at the Victorian surf coast in January 2008, and when I returned I just decided on a whim to start my own blog. At the time, I thought it might be a bit of fun and something to fill in the extra spare time. I never realised that it would completely change my life and my career.

Granny fabric 3

3. Family taught/Self-taught/Trained?
I'm completely self-taught. I do remember taking a textiles class in Year 8 though. I made a drawstring marble bag (useful if you have marbles to store)!
As I'm self taught, I tend to just look at something and make it. I don't use a pattern. I usually draw a sketch and work out some measurements and go from there. It's probably not the way that one would actually be taught how to sew!

4. Workspace - studio or kitchen table?
Oh how I wish I had a separate studio! I must admit that I'm very lucky to have a house large enough to fit in my 'craft space'. It's part of the open plan living area, which was used as the dining room by the previous owner. I do have curtains to separate it from the rest of the living area, but I never close them as I probably spend more time there than any other part of the house anyway. It's actually really convenient because I can watch tv, listen to music and make cups of tea while I sew.

Bunting 1

 5. Blog/Shop name, where does it come from?
When I was a little girl, I always had dead straight hair, so my dad called me CurlyPops (it's quite obviously a dad joke). He still calls me CurlyPops to this day!

6. Favourite media to work in?
My favourite media is most definitely fabric. I love it - there are just so many possibilites to explore with it!

7. Ambitions/future directions/future projects/medium you'd like to try?
At the moment, I'm really enjoying designing my own fabrics to work with. I would love to be able to have an entire colour co-ordinated range available. I've also promised myself to allow more time for making and exhibiting textile art pieces, and combining textiles and sculpture.

pen roll 1

8. Are you neat and organised or, ahem, creatively messy?
I can't begin a day of creating unless I have a neat and tidy space at the start. Of course, by the end of that day, there will not be a single surface which is not covered in crafty clutter... and then I have to clean up again and so on and so on!

9. Favourite handmade, handcrafted item you own not made by you.
My favourite of all time is definitely the ginormous painting that my lovely friend Cathy Kirwan (Tinniegirl) painted for me for my birthday this year. It hangs above my bed and I love it.


10. Favourite food/recipe?
I'm not much of a cook these days but I certainly love to eat... I can't go past any sweet treat, especially chocolate

11. Favourite colour?
Oh gosh, I can't just pick one - pink and orange (preferably together)

12. Star sign?
Taurus - Sensible, stubborn and opinionated (although I would never force my opionions onto anyone else)

13. Favourite place, landscape (not necessarily Australian)?
I'd have to choose the South West Victorian coast line - reminds me of childhood.

Handbags 3

14. Any tricks for juggling life/work/family with creative pursuits?
For me, life and family always come first - then creative pursuits. I have no tricks, but I choose to be happy and to make the most of every single minute.

15. Favourite artists, artisans, crafters?
I have so many favourites that I don't know how I could possibly choose! Does the fact that I have about 500 blog subscriptions in my google reader tell you anything?

16. Your favourite thing you've made/written/done
My favourite thing I've ever made is definitely my sculpted flowers that I originally created for the Melbourne Fringe Festival last year. I have one left at my house that I kept for myself.

curlypops hottie challenge

My favourite thing that I've ever done would definitely be co-ordinating a group entry for the Hottie Challenge to raise funds for the Margaret Pratt Foundation.
Being able to combine my love of craft with raising funds for heart and lung transplant research, and meeting so many more wonderful crafters was an absolute joy.

17. Three words to describe yourself?
Determined, Strong, Happy

18. What do you like to do besides creating?
When I'm not creating, I love to hang out with my family (especially my nephews) and my friends, and drink coffee and eat cake. I'm also addicted to Op Shopping!

Avas pinny - close up


  1. Gorgeous interview! Well done Susie and Cam, xx

  2. A lovely insight into the lady behind the name, thanks so much for sharing, Cam!

  3. I enjoyed your interview. Great story about how you became known as CurlyPops!

  4. Another goodie, Susie. Thanks for the introduction - I'm now following Cam's blog. J x

  5. Love Cam! She was one of the first bloggers I came across and have been following ever since. She is a creative bomb shell with a heart of gold. What more could one ask for?! Thanks Susie.


  6. Thank you; a very interesting read!

  7. This was a great read - thank you Susie.
    Cam is an absolute powerhouse crafter, and one of the most generous and kind bloggers I've met.
    Love her attitude - just choose to be happy. You can see that attitude manifest in everything she creates.

  8. Oh gosh, thanks so much for all the lovely comments everyone - and thankyou so much for asking me Susie. I'm completely chuffed!

  9. Love the interview Susie and Cam!

  10. What a great interview ! I really loved this , thanks so much both of you !

  11. Thanks Susie for a fab interview. Cam is a dear fave of mine ♥ I so want to be like her when I grow up! Cam's spirit, determination and talent are mega marvellous :~)


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