
Wednesday 12 October 2011


lunch bunchlunchlunch
I seem to have been away from the blog a bit recently, first with the holidays, and having family in town, and now that the kids are back at school I'm racing to catch up. Suddenly we've hit that mad part of the year when things seem to get busier, and every time you turn around another week has flashed past.

I had lots of Flower Press to catch up with on Monday including three big parcels, one of which I'm dying to share tomorrow. Today though I pushed all that to one side and had a few of my friends over for lunch. I bought some bunches of flowers to celebrate my clean house, but my favourite was this posy of sweet peas and primulas that my friend Marg brought from her garden. They have that beautiful old fashioned scent which you can smell across the room.

Marg has turned her small front garden into a vegie patch with flowers interwoven between crops, its so beautiful and always has something growing, I love it and I can't help thinking we should all have these productive cottage patches.


  1. I love sweet peas, reminds me of growing up.

  2. Weirdly (given my brown thumbedness), our garden manages to maintain a fair supply of blooms. In fact, I think I might just go and pick the living room an obscenely large bunch of lilac. I'll be able to whiff it from the bedroom!

  3. Yes I agree we should have a little plot of land dedicated to some good old fashioned flower growing. Being able to pick flowers from my own garden to put inside just makes me happy:-)

  4. I love flowers mixed with vegies in the garden...and sweet peas smell soooooo sweet!

  5. It is even easy to grow a few herbs and veges and flowers in pots, you don't need much space at all. Lovely photos!

  6. Wow what beautiful flowers... I think I can smell them...makes me want to rush out and buy some for my :)

  7. I've been dreaming about cottage gardens for weeks...


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