
Thursday 20 October 2011

my creative space - life imitating art

imitateimitateimitate imitate

Bought this punnet of gerbera seedlings ages ago. I then left the poor things potbound and neglected before finally planting them into one of my lovely vintage concrete pots. This week they've started flowering and when I took this photo yesterday I was suddenly struck by the resemblance the picture has to my work in progress pattern design from back here. hmm?! Someone trying to tell me to get my act together and finish this big floral print?!
More at the home of Our Creative Space


  1. It is REALLY similar! Also - when I clicked on the link to see the design I let out a "gasp" and "Wowee!" Great colours!!!!!!!!!

  2. Yep - i think someone is try to tell you to get your act together... Very alike indeed! I too followed the link to your past designs - such lovely work!

  3. Oh wow! A sign indeed to get crafting with that design!

    Jill @ Creating my way to Success

  4. Finish it! It's looking amaaaaazing! x

  5. Beautiful! And clearly a message is being sent, can't wait to see your finished design:) Cyndy

  6. Haha! That's fabulous, Susie! So funny that nature is giving you a prod along :) Love the design btw. Kx

  7. ha ha ha it is really similar!!! Looks like you have to get this out of your system :) Great sketch!!

  8. funny! i really like the design in black and white :)

  9. A.. I love the gerbera's they are so pretty & happy.
    B.. I love the black n white print, are you going to put it onto fabric cos it would look awesome as is and maybe sometimes you could colour the odd flower with fabric textas!!

  10. OK. Officially freaky. Let's call it a sign, shall we?

  11. You've definitely got to finish that - it's stunning! Nature is definitely nudging you along - take the hint!

  12. love the design! you definitely onto something...looking forward to seeing it finished :)
    happy cs

  13. Both are lovely - the flowers and your design. The universe is giving you a big nudge!


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