
Monday 28 November 2011



Amazingly (because I have been procrastinating about making this skirt for as long as I can remember!) I finished my Barcelona skirt the other day. After canvassing your opinions about skipping the lining, and getting some great advice in return I decided to substitute a bias waistband. This decision lasted about as long as it took to make up the bias. I wasn't happy with the way the skirt was hanging as its quite a thin fabric and it didn't look right, wasn't flattering.

I'd been worried about a facing riding up or showing through the fabric so I bit the bullet and decided to try a lining as the pattern says. It was actually a quick sew though annoyingly I had fiddled with the sizing on the outer and then cut a straight medium on the lining which turned out to be a perfect fit. Hence the (dodgy) darts added at the last minute at the front of the skirt, to make the two match.

The best thing about the lining is the inspiration I had to use a vintage sheet from the stash! The pattern calls for calico, but I can only imagine that the calico they are talking about is much lighter than the fabric I have of the same name which is quite heavy. I felt it would be hot and cardboardy, making the skirt quite stiff.

The vintage sheet is the perfect solution. Not only do I get a pretty print lining that makes me smile even if no one else sees it, but the fabric is prewashed (many times over!) and its soft worn finish makes it so comfortable to wear. Not only that but its full cotton and lightweight. Perfect!

Apologies for the crap photos of me wearing it, I tried twice but this is the best I could get.

I like this length but want to try a slightly shorter A Line. I think I might use this pattern I just bought (retro discontinued on Etsy) inspired by this pic in my pinterest board. Isn't it cute!

p.s. Thanks for the fabric orders and sweet comments. I've been playing with my new prints today and hope to make something in Bricks to share on Thursday. Though must stop sewing and start Christmas shopping soon!!

simplicity 4036


  1. whit woo!
    By the way I think that what we would call calico here in the uk is what the Americans call muslin.their calico is a fine cotton usually with a small scale print bit like what you have used. God only knows what they call muslin. Hence the confusion. And if you read old American books they are always going on about women and especially girls wearing calico dresses. Took me a lot of confusion and years of studying the history of fashion to work that one out!

  2. Nice - very funky fabric -I like the one on pinterest too so wait with interest to see what fabric you use for a shorter version.

  3. I love this skirt, and the fabrics you chose. I am doing a dressmaking course in Spring, and so excited about the possibility of making my own clothes, so this is very inspiring!

  4. It's a fab skirt. I love a good a-line. Fab pins too, if I might say...

  5. Your skirt looks gorgeous and I love the lining... very pretty.. I like having nice lining that make you smile :D

  6. Wow, it looks lovely. I love both the outer fabric and the lining, very pretty!


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