
Thursday 24 November 2011

my creative space - make

make makemakemake

Raining here again this week, but I'm quite enjoying it, its the perfect weather for hunkering down and doing some sewing and cooking.

After doing some shop sewing I started the Barcelona skirt, which I've had the pattern for for a while. I've finished the basic skirt exterior but I'm baulking now at lining it, which the pattern calls for. I think it will be too heavy for a summer skirt. I'm weighing up using a simple bias around the top or making a short lining or facing that comes down just a small way. What do you think I should do? I think I'm leaning toward the facing but I'd love some advice.

As well as ordering some Toy Box quilting fabrics to replenish the shop the other day I used the Spoonflower free postage days to order some new fabric designs, including a favourite in poplin and voile. I'm thinking I might make a skirt and a top. I had so much fun with the colours, using source images for inspiration I came up with some schemes I love. I must show you, I might post them here in the next few days.

Miss Master Chef decided the other day to make rainbow cupcakes, which turned out amazingly well considering she forgot the egg, and had to grind her own icing sugar from normal sugar. Resourceful!

Jacarandas and hydrangeas are lighting up the dark days around here and I couldn't resist cutting some of May's early blooms with their subtle blues and pinks and greens.

Our creative spaces is full of inspiring stuff again this week.


  1. I am a big fab of the binding at the top of a skirt. Facing is good, but mine always seem to bunch and ride up. Great fabric.

  2. I love the Amy Butler patterns, I made a skirt of hers last summer. Just gorgeous!

  3. Loving your space, that skirt looks gorgeous, and always loving your doily cushion..

  4. I'd go with a nice neat facing that has been interfaced (helps to keep my tummy bulge in check)!

  5. Your skirt is looking really gorgeous.. lining would be too hot for summer and would probably go for a small facing... I think!

    I have always wanted to make a rainbow cake/cup cakes! They look delicious... Yum :)

  6. I too love the look of binding. A tiny print in green would be gorgeous. Facing would give a smoother look, but binding would be more 'finished' somehow. How do you plan to wear it - will you see the top of the skirt?

  7. The rainbow cupcakes are magnificent!

  8. I have that pattern and I've made the skirt last year but, like you, didn't want lining because it's too hot for summer. I went for the short (facing?) option made out of the same fabric as the skirt. I did it so it came about 5cm down from the waistline. Worked brilliantly.

  9. The rainbow cup cakes look sensational - clever Miss Master Chef!

  10. making rainbow cake has been on my creative inspiration list for awhile now- I was thinking it might make a nice holiday cake.

    Glad to have found your blog- nice to 'meet' you- Ren


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