
Monday 7 November 2011

sculpture by the sea

sculpture sculpturesculpturesculpturesculpturesculpture

It was probably total madness to set off for Bondi on Sunday, the first beautiful beach day in ages, to enjoy the Sculpture by the Sea exhibition which is set along the cliff path from Bondi to Bronte beaches. As expected the crowds were huge, but Mr F's mum and sister were in town and we really wanted to share this wonderful Sydney happening with them, plus my brother's gallery has a piece in it this year, so off we went.

As usual it was the most wonderful mix of people and public art, with a splash of humour thrown in (not least in that those big taps won the Sydney Water prize!). And as usual the landscape and views made the most stunning  and breathtaking backdrop, in fact I think my favourite sculpture, and one I love returning to each year, is this amazing rock in the first bay you walk around.

If you've been reading my blog for long you'll know that visiting is a regular occurence, in fact it was one of the first things I blogged about back in November 2007 when I started this blog. (Previous visits to SBTS including that first one here, here and here.) Can you believe I've been writing this blog for four years. I can't!

My blogiversary is on November 11th, which is also when I started my Etsy shop, and so I'll have to come back later in the week for a bit of sale action or a giveaway methinks, as that's definitely something worth celebrating.

p.s. Overheard near the Meeting sculpture of the red crouched figures I heard a dad telling his eight year old son "You're not allowed to touch!" to which the young son replied "I know but they're Buddhists."

p.p.s. Thanks for the bricks love :-)


  1. Oh my, those taps are enormous. No wonder they won the SW prize!

    I have lived in Sydney all my life and still never seen SbtS for myself! Maybe this year!

  2. The kids standing in the circle of red men are hilarious!

  3. Oh my, they are just gorgeous and amazing and witty!

  4. great shots....what a great day out...we have one up here in Byron and we never miss the taps.

  5. Great post!! Love the cool. Are they up for long? Hey, I'm bringing my son to Sydney for a surprise for his 10th birthday! So excited! We are only there for a night and hope to fit in as much as possible. Any suggestions? So far I'm thinking monorail, ferry, Power House..should be fun. I'd love to see you if we/you have time xo


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