
Thursday 1 December 2011

my creative space - zip

zip zipzipspeczip

In my creative space today I've finished cutting and wrapping fabric and I've got a brief window to try and make those zip purses I was talking about the other day. Luckily I found some great bright matching bits in the burgeoning stash. I knew those 500 zippers would come in useful one day!

In other news the Mini Masterchefs continue to shine. Mr D produced these Chocolate Brulee the other day and we got to use our special brulee blowtorch for about the third time. I think we're going to have to eat a few more of these to make its purchase worthwhile. Hard times! (Photo styled by him :-)

Last Saturday night we went to the School Spectacular. Miss A's school vocal group was part of the huge massed choir (that's her in the white with her arms high - near the top). It was amazing! Really amazing. For those of you who don't know it its an all singing, all dancing spectacular put on by the public schools of NSW and involving 3500 kids from across the state. Did I say it was amazing. The show was closed by Jack Vidgen singing Imagine, he's a School Spectacular alumni. You can see the video and get an idea of the scale of it here.

Another bright spot in my weekend was catching up with Beck who was visiting Sydney with her lovely boy Billy as a birthday surprise. We joined the throng at Darling Harbour and managed to chance upon these motorbike riders doing death defying jumps about 10 feet from us.

I've been a bit spoilt lately because I've also had a chance to catch up with lovely Kate (and her sweet boy) now she's back in Sydney and living not so far away (check out these capsule quilts, what a great idea!). Its been so nice to put faces and voices to both these bloggy friendships, and so nice that they even more interesting and lovely in person.

More amazing stuff over here.


  1. I always watch the School Spectacular when it is televised. In my younger days, I led the school choir and we were part of an even bigger regional choir which was great fun! The following year was the first School Spectacular and our school didn't get involved!

  2. Phew you have been busy... wow 500 zips... I'm quite envious! Glad they have become useful :)

  3. that is so funny you mentioned the blow torch- I've thought about getting one for about ten years now- Not sure if I would use it enough to justify it- yet your photo makes me want to add is to my holiday wish list… again.

  4. I think we're going to have to eat a few more of these to make its purchase flower delivery china


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