
Saturday 21 January 2012

learning to crochet

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One of my major priorities when packing for holidays is organising what craft/art I'm going to take with me. This is usually decided at the very last minute and its not unheard for me to be printing knitting charts or trying to find a sketchbook as the rest of the family are getting in the car

Does that sound familiar? One of the nice things about blogging is hearing other crafty types admit to the same compulsion. Seems I'm not alone in feeling twitchy if I don't have a project at hand.

When we left to go north back in December I threw in a couple of balls of wool, some random crochet hooks and a printout of the Bullseye blanket pattern that Kate made so beautifully on her recent roadtrip. I so loved her version that it inspired me to try one last time to master this skill.

It was only on the trip home that I pulled out the hook and yarn. Luckily the Bullseye is quite a simple pattern and with lots of unravelling and practice I finally got the hang of it. By the time we arrived home I had a small circle and was feeling like I could crochet, at last!

I love how quick crochet is. I've quickly finished the central circle of one square and started on the darker frame. Its not perfect but I'm happy. Google has taught me to single crochet, half double crochet and beginning a circle with the magic ring. I've even gone back and tried some projects that I've failed at before - Kate's Crochet Rick Rack and Christina's simple flowers. I might even have ordered a few more yarns to lighten and brighten my stash.

How about you, do you need a holiday craft and what has it been? And what should I crochet next! Its so exciting to have all those new possibilities in front of me.

wool stash


  1. Gorgeous! Isn't it satisfying to master (or a least begin to learn) a new skill! My mum only finally managed to teach me to crochet last year.
    And yes, I'm like you when I go on holiday, picking the craft supplies to take = VERY IMPORTANT! I often like to take a kit of some kind if I can, because then I know I'll have everything I need with me.

  2. You are inspiring me to give crochet another go, it doesn't come naturally to me, but see all the wool, delicious.

  3. Totally. In the caravan an entire storage section was dedicated to crafting. And storage is pretty limited in a caravan so that says a lot. I am desperate and insane when I have nothing to keep my hands busy. Loving your Bullseye so far. Hooray for crochet. x

  4. That's fantastic! I love it all Susie. I think you've done wonderfully :)
    That last pic has me drooling... love yarn. So glad you gave it 'one last go'.

  5. they're lovely, I'm now inspired to try again, I keep starting and giving up way too early. Loving those colours.

  6. Love what you have been doing! I love that crochet is so much quicker than knitting. I made 4 Queen Anne's lace scarves last winter in no time a all.

  7. Yeah! I've just taught my self how to crochet too. So pleased to have finally mastered it, though yours looks more technically advanced than mine does!

  8. So pretty! I have just started too, mostly amigurumi so far, these hearts are fun and easy

  9. I am so desperate to learn to crochet! I have just learned to knit, but am struggling to progress with this as yarn is so expensive, crochet looks like it opens up a world or smaller (more affordable!) projects, I am going to hit you tube and give it a try... thanks for the inspiration.

  10. sounds waay too familiar! I love that bulls eyes blanket, I've had it on my list for so long I wonder when I'll get to it. Yarny crafts are great for holidays, so portable. I really should start planning my take-away crafts for March.

  11. Lovely, I also adored that bulls eye blanket and printed off the pattern with the plan to teach myself to crochet with it in 2012. Thanks for the magic circle link - that looks good.

  12. Seriously... that is learning oh man that looks like you KNOW what you are doing!!!

    I am making year 2012 the crochet learning year. I WILL DO IT. I have all the paraphernalia here just need to put the time and brain on to it... but then I do have some quilts I am working on... surely I am not avoiding it... nooooooo

  13. - ha, looks like we have had a similar few weeks! No rick rack produced by me yet, but I am very keen on that. Well done!

  14. Definitely need a holiday craft, in fact I need a doctor's waiting room craft, a going to my brother's for the day craft, a sitting in front of the TV craft too. And my portable craft of choice is crochet as well. I have a little pencil case with essential supplies - various hooks, tape measure, small scissors and a couple of safety pins (stitch holders) that I can just grab along with my latest WIP. You did make me laugh with the picture of printing out the pattern as you were leaving - confession time - I've done the same!

  15. Hooray for crochet! Congratulations! It's a great feeling when you've mastered crochet, isn't it? And then to be able to work from a pattern! There's no stopping you now!

    I feel at a loose end if I haven't got a project that I'm working on. Usually I am planning out my next project before I finish my current one, so that I have something to go on with. Currently I think I have too many projects... but that's another story. :)


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