
Tuesday 20 March 2012

show & tell - bron

show&tell23Feb boat
One of the things I love about Bron's Maxabella blog is the way she writes about three things she's grateful for each week in her regular Grateful meme, and invites everyone to recognise and celebrate the best bits in their own life. Its such a lovely and optimistic concept and one to make us all think.

Before I read her interview I used to think the name Maxabella derived from Bron's larger than life personality and occasionally outspoken posts which often spark debate and comment. So it was a surprise to find out the real source of the name. Thinking about it though it makes a lot of sense, in light of this regular recognition of the importance of family and friendship.

I love Bron's writing style and I was excited to read of her recent big decision to leave her job in the corporate advertising world. Here's hoping this gives her even more time to write. I'm sure I'm not the only one who loves her natural style and wonderful sense of humour and looks forward to reading more.

Bron doesn't see herself as particularly crafty but her kid's parties are always original and inspiring, from Harry Potter to rainbow themes they always look like great fun! Her series of party posts are full of ideas and she's collected together inspiration from other sources too, so if you are looking for ideas for your own parties make sure you visit.

Bron is a generous blogging friend who regularly reads and comments around the bloggy world. Its  been fun to read her interview answers and learn a little more about this popular blogger and I hope you enjoy learning more. Thanks again Bron for being part of Show & Tell :-)

I wish I could do something clever enough to warrant the opening of a shop ...

1. Can you give us a short description of your blog/style/work
My blog is like a person. It's me. A good rant gets things out, but being quiet is better sometimes too. Creative, thoughtful and honest living.

2. Why blog? How did you start?
My sisters are both bloggers ( and and they started first. I totally didn't get why you needed to have a blog but after a while I saw the joy of community that blogging brought to them and I got started myself. Since then I have just delighted in getting to write something just about every day and I find myself relying more and more on the wonderful spirit of the blogging community.

Potions class 2

3. Workspace - studio or kitchen table?
I have a studio space in the lurky downstairs of our house. It floods whenever it rains and there is the faint sniff of damp permanently. I am probably risking my life every time I enter the place, but enter I must. Here I write and draw and paint and cut and glue and imagine.

4. Blog/Shop name, where does it come from?
My children's names... Max, Arabella and Lottie.

tutu collage 2

5. Favourite media to work in?
Anything that involves gluing. I can't stop gluing. Paper crafts are therefore right in. But then, the more I blog the more I find myself drawn to graphic design. Poor glue and paper...

6. Ambitions/future directions/future projects/medium you'd like to try?
I have been threatening to learn sewing for about 10 years now. My friend came around and fixed my sewing machine a month ago and... that was a month ago. I just want to make a skirt. My MIL is an amazing seamstress and she has offered to teach me but, you know, that would involve long sessions hanging out with my MIL. She's lovely, but she's Italian and bossy. I think I'll stick to flower press tutorials!

Lottie birthday girl 014
7. Are you neat and organised or, ahem, creatively messy?
I am a bizarre mix of both. I am like an almost-finished quilt - structured, organised but a bit rough around the edges. And definitely lots to work on!

8. Favourite handmade, handcrafted item you own not made by you.
It's a little thing, but I love it. My key fob chain by Mira Narnie. It is the most practical thing and a little bit of lovely in my every day.


9. Favourite food/recipe?
Right now we are obsessed with Pea and Ham soup at our place. This recipe, but with yellow split peas instead of green. The kids know it as 'ham soup' as I don't want them finding out about the pea thing.

10. Favourite colour?
Pink. It took me 30 years to admit that.

11. Star sign?
Leo, but I honestly couldn't be bothered with all that stuff.

Cake pops

12. Favourite place, landscape (not necessarily Australian)?
I travelled the world for four years with my husband before we married. My head is so full of so many wondrous sights that my mind often gets tired for looking.

13. Any tricks for juggling life/work/family with creative pursuits?
Bring creativity into all you do - live with passion and imagination. My favourite thing to do is go on excursions to the park, beach or bush to look at and collect things to inspire us together. Otherwise, late at night, when only the owls are awake, there is a humming down in the damp depths of our home...

14. Favourite artists, artisans, crafters, writers?
I'll stick with crafters as there are way too many of all categories to write down right now. Maya, Brenda , Jen, Kirsty  and Jessica, and Susie, of course!

Terrigal 2

15. Your favourite thing you've made/written/done.
This is my favourite post, ever: This was my favourite party to create.

16. Three words to describe yourself?
Brave, bit bonkers.  

17. What do you like to do besides creating?
Write. Always writing. If I have that, I have me.

rainbow 2


  1. another great interview Susie! really enjoy Bron's blog so its neat to read a little about 'the person behind the blog'. gorgeous photo's too.

  2. Ooh, just fabulous, Susie! I'm lucky enough to call Bron my friend and you've really captured her essence. Bravo! J x

  3. Lovely interview with a lovely lady. Love the almost-finished-quilt analogy! :)

  4. It's so much fun seeing my blog on your blog, Susie. And I just realised that this is the first tomevive said my kids' real names in blogland.

    Thanks ever so much for having me!


  5. PS - ouch! You have word verification! x

  6. Maxabella's blog is one of my all time favorites xo

  7. I'm so happy to see the Cake Pops there. Never thought I'd see the Cake Pops ever again...

  8. Great interview, love getting to know Bron even better as she is such an inspiration to many (me included) xx

  9. Lovely! Always inspiration & a giggle over at Maxabella's..x

  10. Well, look at that, I think I just got another hit of inspirations! Loving this interview and gorgeous photos that go with it. You are terribly fabulous Bron x

  11. I love Bron's blog, and thanks to this interview, have now found Flowerpress!!

  12. What's not to love about Maxabella!


  13. There's a woman who really can write from the heart and say it as she sees it. So much to admire. Fab interview!

  14. Oh i love this interview with Bron...she's a favourite of mine and I'm feeling a little chuffed at my special mention!!! b xx

  15. Great interview Susie
    I really enjoy these


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