
Thursday 12 April 2012

my creative space - easter


The Easter break was just as I imagined it, long slow days of pottering with time to knit and cook and just one outing, a lovely trip to the MCA with my gang. We parked in the Rocks and walked around to Circular Quay under the Harbour Bridge (where I saw this graffiti). This city is so spectacular, I don't think you could ever become immune to its charms.

It was great to see the crowds out looking at art, all sorts of people and quite a few families. I was really happy to see Christian Marclay's The Clock this time too, a video work that edits together hundreds of films using sequences that show time. Lots of great old and new films and actors changing every minute or so but woven together so it makes a sort of sense and the themes and settings change together as well. It is in real time too so if the time is 2pm then the characters will be talking about 2pm and the clocks showing that time. Its kinda hard to describe but just compelling to watch and I'm sure I'll go back some time to see some more of it. 

As I hoped I got a chance to make home made lemonade syrup and experiment with the Magimix over Easter, trying a food processor bread recipe I found on the WhileSheNaps blog. It turned out well and was snaffled up in quick time. The great thing is you don't knead the bread and it rises in about an hour. I did find it slightly crumby and really prefer a bread with more texture, so I'm going to keep experimenting, maybe with less yeast and a longer rise. The lemonade is a sugar syrup infused with lemon rind and then added to lemon juice. Yum.

Oh and I started and finished this beanie for Mr D (who still hasn't much hair after his shaving for Worlds Greatest Shave). He loves it and we both like the mix of colours (especially as the first request was yellow and green!). Its just in time for this cold snap we are having. The pattern is Jared Flood's Turn a Square, I love the neat shape and all the different colour versions people have made them in. Mine is adapted for a child and my revisions are noted, its ravelled here.

More creative here:

1 comment :

  1. Great images.. I haven't got to MCA yet... but am dying to go!! Love the beanie... great colours!


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