
Friday 15 June 2012

bonfire night

winterwinterwinter winterwinterwinterwinter

We took a long weekend trip out West last week for a big family birthday bonfire party. The predicted minus temperatures emphasised that winter has well and truly set in here and we made sure to pack all our warmest clothes. As Sydneysiders we are never really prepared for cold weather! We have such mild quick winters here that we don't have those really thick coats that keep out the wind, we don't have thermals or proper boots. So I worried a bit that we were going to freeze!

Luckily the heavy rain in Sydney didn't follow us and we had beautiful bright sunny days out west and that huge big bonfire to keep us warm. We survived quite well, truth is out west they have beautiful central heating and toasty radiators, when we ventured outside we had all our winter stuff on and it was only cold at night.

What a wonderful night it was packed with lots of old friends and extended family we haven't seen for ages, young and old. It was so good to see everyone and toast our lovely brother-in-law on his big day. And that bonfire was epic!

My Diggers garlic finally came and helped me finish off my winter vegie planting. I already have some gifted plants up and growing but I really want to give garlic a good try this year. The three packages of different garlic varieties were fun to unwrap and I've planted them all out together in in a large raised garden box. Little shoots are just starting to emerge, yay, and I just hope our winters are cold enough and summer dry enough for the garlic to be productive.

My new beds have spinach, silver beet, beetroot, broad beans, radishes, spring onions and peas planted. They don't want for rain - we returned to the wettest June day in forty years, driving home through fog and torrential downpours - but they seem to be surviving. The worm towers have luckily stayed warm and dry but not very active yet. I don't blame them, I'd be tucked up too!

In winter mode I am still having fun cooking and eating at the moment so thanks for all your slow cook suggestions. I came home with a new cake recipe too, which I will share once I've cooked it. Which reminds me, I have the most fantastic Show & Tell coming up next Tuesday and I've really been looking forward to this interview. Say that every month I know but this one you are going to love!

So if I don't make it back here before then, make sure you drop in then and meet this month's guest!


  1. A bonfire party sounds bonza!! x

  2. There's something primal about gathering around a large fire isn't there? I have many happy such memories. Sounds like a great time away.

    Good luck with the garlic. I've planted some too, but I'm not getting my hopes up. I don't think it will get cold enough here in Brisbane? I'm looking forward to spending some time in the garden this weekend.

    Can't wait to see who is show and telling this month too. :)

  3. I reckon your lot and my lot must live in some sort of parallel universe. There is growing evidence (mostly involving the Great Outdoors and Fire).

    My tea towel arrived today! Did you notice I said 'my' and not 'my friend's'? I may have changed my mind. She might not get a card either. Ahem. (thank you!)

  4. I think it gets horribly cold here in western Sydney! It was only 5°C this morning at 9 o'clock! I really dislike winter!


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