
Sunday 19 August 2012

catching up

catching upcatching upcatching upcatching upcatching upcatching up

I feel like I've been a bit quiet in this space the last few weeks. It happens sometimes like that, I haven't been keeping up with Instagram either or taking many photos. Sometimes real life takes over for a while and I have to drop a few things to keep up.

One of those things was my boys making it to the local Zone (area) Athletics carnival and asking so nicely that I come to all their events that I couldn't say no. This meant two full days sitting in stands cheering them on, cheering on their friends, catching up with friends from other schools, eating hot chips and drinking polystyrene tea. It was exhausting and exhilarating and by the time I got home each day my brain was fried! (That's my J lining up for the last leg of the senior relay - far right.)

Spring has been calling to me too so I've been out in the garden a bit. After our last winter sports game last weekend we detoured via the local nursery and picked up lots of vegie seeds and seedlings - purple heirloom carrots, artichoke plants, spaghetti squash, capsicums, heirloom tomatoes, cherry tomatoes, cucumbers both long and round, purple beans, rhubarb and sweet corn, did I miss anything? Yes we got carried away! I'm not sure we have the space for it all but I'm squeezing it in where I can. I'm going to fill my front yard with artichokes and sunflowers - seriously.

The winter planting of garlic is going well, I just hope its growing under the ground as well as above, I'm not too sure! And yesterday when I was weeding round the beetroot and spinach in my worm tower beds I was very gratified to come across lots of healthy red compost worms doing their thing in the soil.

Every evening at our house the local Currawong flies along the rooftops and power poles to call his evening song. With the warm evenings I was outside as dark fell for the first time in ages and he came past doing his thing. Excuse the blurry phone pic from Instagram, I think he looks like the twitter bird here! Cyndi here's a link to his call especially for you :-)

Two more things, I must mention, the first is this lovely snail mail I got during the week, a pantone postcard in lovely limey green. It is from sweet Kate who is sending out 100 of them to lots of different people. She is such a sweetie and it was such a nice surprise to find it in my mailbox, what a great idea and a great way to connect with lots of people. Second is this delicious Chicken Tikka Masala, my first curry paste from scratch,  made to a recipe from Ruth who is always inspiring me with her delicious food on instagram. I'm so lucky she helpfully blogs her recipes too!

One of the reasons I am popping in here today, is also to remind you that its that time of the month, Show & Tell is back this Tuesday, Yay!

My guest this month is a (very) local blogger who has been a favourite for many years. She has inspired more than a few of my creative projects and given me advice along the way.  Can you guess who it is? Come back Tuesday to see if you're right!


  1. Those greens in your garden look so luscious Susie! and I love the new green print too. Yah you for sitting through two days of zone sports carnival! I loved hearing the bird song too - lovely :) Such a great idea with the Pantone cards - I had a quick look over at Kate's, such a fab idea. I find I'm blogging less lately too... I seem to use the blog only to document craft now. I've got so lazy with sharing other finds. I should remedy that. Anyway, lovely post. See you on Tuesday :) Kx

  2. Susie, I'm so glad the postcard arrived! Australia Post hasn't been as reliable as I'd have hoped.

    I really loved the colour and the name Limeade is so sweet.

    A two-day sports carnival? Wow! That's some stamina all round. x

  3. Yes it looks like you have been very busy! You make me want to go crazy in the nursery too... nothing better tha home grown green :) I love the idea of the post cards by Kate... vey inspiring!


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