
Sunday 16 December 2012

another year

another yearanother yearanother yearanother yearanother yearanother yearanother yearanother year

December is always a milestone month around here, not least because its the end of the year.

Mr F and my wedding anniversary is in December, on the 7th, which was the Friday before last. Sixteen years ago my love (that boy up there) and I were married in the beachside town of Brunswick Heads in the local Progress Hall and had dinner at a beautiful restaurant on the river with all our family and friends.

Its a funny time of year to try and fit in any celebration but on Friday we also found out (after a long and nervewracking few weeks) that both our beautiful boys had made it as school leaders for year six next year! My heart was in my mouth as they opened their letters! We hit the local Italian for pasta and gelati to celebrate!

Then last Friday was my birthday! I was completely spoilt as usual with thoughtful presents and phone calls and handmade cards from all the people I love. Including a few I was allowed to help choose (and try on) in a little afternoon shop down King Street with my bloke.

What a nice coincidence that on Friday I was also invited to lunch with 12 gorgeous ladies at a friend's house where they sang me Happy Birthday and we ate delicious food and cake (check out Sally's legendary cherry chocolate fudge and coconut icecream cake which came with butterscotch dressing, amazing!).

Next Friday is yet another big day. We set off north for Christmas with my side of the family in beautiful North Coast NSW. So before then I have to have all my presents bought, wrapped and gift tagged - ready to go. I will do it somehow, I always do, but I'm feeling slightly distracted and faintly stressed, like I've forgotten something important (I probably have!). Tomorrow is the last day for the Flower Press shop and I'll be posting both Monday and Tuesday, so if you are after something (like the last Marble Starter kit in stock), then be quick!

How are you going with this busy season? Does anyone else celebrate birthdays or anniversaries at this crazy time? I must admit occasionally I wish those milestones fell in April, or June or August or some less speedy time, but its such a warm, relaxed, social and holiday time of year I'd probably miss the fun!


  1. Happy birthday! Happy anniversary! Congratulations to both boys!

    We celebrated our 35th anniversary on 3rd December. Sometimes, with everything else going on, we give it a miss and celebrate later!

    Today we had forty people (aged between three months and seventy eight years) here for my husband's family Christmas party! Whew! I'm glad that's over!

  2. what a lovely post. Happy birthday and happy anniversary! All our birthdays are in July and August, which is well-planned, in an actually-completely-unplanned kind of way. My Mum's is 23rd December, and her Dad's was Boxing Day, so I grew up with December birthdays.

    That's lovely you were married in Brunswick. I grew up in Lismore, and we spend alternate Christmases at Lennox Head, which is where Mum and Dad have a little house, up the headland end. It's a gorgeous part of the world. Merry Christmas. Cat x

  3. Happy birthday and happy anniversary! And congratulations to your boys!

  4. Happy happy birthday and anniversary...and Christmas..and a joyful, peaceful and prosperous New Year to you and Mr F! I love Lennox Head and spent a lovely the headland end..a couple of years back. I remember spotting a shark swimming off the beach, from the balcony and butcher birds coming over to try and bludge a little food each morning.


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