
Friday 28 December 2012

travelling north

travelling northtravelling northtravelling northtravelling northtravelling northtravelling northtravelling northtravelling northtravelling northtravelling northtravelling northtravelling northtravelling north

I love family traditions old and new and this time of year is full of them for us. Each year we travel north to spend Christmas with my side of the family, while my brother and sister are home as well. Its a big drive but we make it fun and I love that my kids are old enough to remember the journeys and places and stories these days too.

We have a favourite cheap motel off the road with a pool for a late evening swim. They have a vegie garden near the house which was thriving this year. We arrived late after car troubles but the kids swam in the dark. Every year we order takeaway from the local Chinese restaurant when we're an hour out of town and eat it in our room with plastic forks.

Day two we stop to buy a few (9!) dozen local oysters from the local growers and then turn off a few miles later to the long white dog beach to let the labradoodle run.

Mum and Dad moved into town last year, but already some new traditions have started. There's a Christmas Eve carnival in the local village, they block the road and have street performers, food stalls and rides. We walked into town for dinner and the kids had a ride on the big swing chairs. Then home in time to put out a note for Santa and some apples for the reindeers. One more sleep then finally its Christmas!

For many years its been all seafood for Christmas lunch at our house, Bugs and prawns, sashimi and garlic bbq mussels. This year I might have started a new tradition with a last minute pavlova for dessert, covered in cream and fruit, it was delicious and gone in seconds!

I've loved watching other peoples families come together on instagram, and family traditions being celebrated around the world. I loved seeing what everyone put out for Santa and realised why his belts are XL! There's something so wonderful about family love and togetherness. About sharing and giving.

On Saturday my little sister flies in for a quick visit from Vietnam and we will all be together. I can't wait.

I hope you are all having some family time like us, laughing at old jokes and stories, celebrating old traditions and perhaps making some new ones.


  1. Sounds like you and your family are having the best time! I love the fact Christmas gives you the time to spend and enjoy time with ones family and friends, and all it's crazy little traditions! Happy times :)

  2. Sounds wonderful, I loved those things you could count on doing every year as a family. And no wonder that pav was gone in a flash, I want to eat it through my screen! Also love the OMG WTF sign :)

  3. Sounds like you're having a wonderful time.

    SIL had to work Christmas Day and Boxing Day so we started a new tradition. When they arrived we and the first course of brunch -- fruit platter, yoghurt, hot cakes and/or croissants. The boys then opened a couple of presents while the other grandparents watched courtesy of FaceTime then we had the second course -- bacon, sausages, scrambled eggs, grilled tomatoes, mushrooms and toast. We would have done all that on the barbecue but it was raining in western Sydney! My SIL was full when he left so found it difficult to face the lunch provided by his employer! We are having Christmas tomorrow; my mum arrived yesterday from my sister's place in Tamworth, my MIL, brother, DSIL and nearly three year old niece will join us in the morning and my uncle and aunt will drop in sometime during the afternoon!

  4. lovely to find you here. love the photos. our pavlovas had similar outfits it seems!!

  5. AH, you lot are pretty damned good at that memory-making, upholding-of-tradition bizzo. I had you in mind as I agreed to a repeat Christmas hols camping trip - nine hours drive away...

  6. Road trip!!! This is exactly the way I spent my childhood holidays - travelling up north to see my parents' families. It was equal parts annoying and bliss.

    Enjoy the family time and best wishes for a stunning new year. x


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