
Thursday 14 March 2013

my creative space - field


As promised some photos of my new textile print Field. I really love it printed and can't wait to sew with it. The artwork for this screen was done in a rush for my exposure workshop and I want to tweak it before I list it in the shop but it will be there soon.

What colours to print though? Here's an early design doodle with some colour ideas. I like them all, but what do you think? Opinions welcome.

Other creative things happening around here - a custom version of my Ruby Slippers in someone else's colours, orange and pink, you guessed it its the Curly Pops edition! To celebrate Cam's big adventure. I printed this one for Cam but I might just do a small edition for the shop some time.

I've also started cutting squares for a baby quilt for a new girl round here, who arrived a couple of weeks ago. I realised when I was posting them that the colours are similar to my field colours. I really do love aqua blue with pink, yellow, white and limey green as you can see. There is something very clean and soft about that combination. The nice thing is I think my field print would slip into that quilt quite happily. Which makes me very happy :-)

Its nice to be posting for My Creative Space this week. I have so many ideas bubbling that its good to have something to show for some of them!

(By the way, I logged into my Google Reader today only to read they are discontinuing it in July. Wah! I found this article on CNet which speaks of alternatives but I need someone clever to come along and tell me which I should choose. Any ideas? Do you use another service?)


  1. Hello Susie
    Gorgeous new design....I love all the colours on the white and I adore the white on linen.
    I panicked about google reader too - hopefully someone smart will tell us what to do!!

  2. Love your new print! Gorgeous! Especially the white on natural fabric. :)

  3. I love the field print! And I'm not sure what to do about Google Reader too. I use it every day.

  4. Snap! (re Google Reader!) I've just read your post via FeedDemon - its easy to download and sync with my feed from Goggle Reader - just looks so different! Actually it's bringing up more posts, I found that GR would often miss out some of my fav blogs sometimes!? I probably am not using it properly. Anyhoo love your Field print too!

  5. Hi Suzy, love your new design: I think it would look fab in white or cream on a darker basecloth!

    Like others am wondering about GR. I remember migrating from Bloglines thinking it was to be discontinued only to discover it is still around?

    Of the options, I like the look of Feedly so far but will wait a bit...

  6. Sorry mispelled your name in prev. comment - was thinking of Floating World Suzy!

  7. Your 'field' print is lovely. All the colour ways look great but if I was buying some for myself I'd probably go with the white on linen. But I also love that indigo blue. I think the baby quilt looks perfect.

  8. I've loved seeing pics of your field print over on IG!
    And what a surprise to receive a gorgeous customised print in the mail. I went and bought a frame and put it on my art wall the very same day. I absolutely love it!

  9. Also a fan of the white on the linen, but they look so great all together in that fourth image!

    Miss Cam is so remarkable. Love that you made her her very own Curly Pops shoe print! xx

  10. What a gorgeous print. I love it. Cx

  11. I have switched to Feedly for blog reading. It's a google Chrome app, it has picked up all my Google Reader info and it looks SO much better.

    I love the printed fabric.

    1. I too love the print, especially the white field print on the linen.
      I am confused as to what to do about Google Reader. I just tried bloglovin, but no starred items imported, only any unread posts, and the names of the blogs I follow. Do your starred items transfer with Feedly?
      Have you chosen an alternative yet Flowerpress?

  12. I love your new Field print, it is so gorgeous!

    Thanks for the info about alternative to google reader too, much appreciated.

  13. I really love the simplicity of your Field design!


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